Top Ten Greek Goddesses That You Would Want to Be

The Top Ten
1 Athena (Goddess of Wisdom)

I am greek when we went to war we used to honor Athena not Ares

I would love to be her, and I'm a dude for Christ's sake.

2 Aphrodite (Goddess of Love)
3 Rhea (Goddess of Nature)
4 Gaia (Goddess of The Earth)

Mother Gaia is ready to clean herself for man has done its destined purpose to her

5 Antheia (Goddess of Flowers)
6 Cybele (Goddess of Mountains and Caverns)
7 Persephone (Goddess of The Spring Season)
8 Tyche (Goddess of Fortune)
9 Demeter (Goddess of Harvest)
10 Hebe (Goddess of Youth)

I would love to have total power over age. But I would only use it on others if they wanted me to.

The Contenders
11 Hera (Queen of the Gods & Goddesses)

Getting revenge on people that angers me would be so awesome!

12 Astraea
13 Artemis (Goddess of Hunting)

Artemis is super cool

14 Hecate (Goddess of the Underworld and Witchcraft)
15 Thetis (Goddess of the Sea)
16 Eris (Goddess of Discord)

I think it's so cool to have hate powers

17 Hestia (Goddess of Hearth and Family)

How is Hestia in last place!

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