Top 10 Hardest Questions to Answer

The Top Ten
1 What Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?
2 What Is the Meaning of Life?

A harder question than the number one (the egg came first by the way)

3 Do you like me?
4 Will You Marry Me?

Sure! Let's go to the wedding!

5 If characters in Mortal Kombat experience life in two dimensions but we see three, what if there's a fourth and we can't know?
6 Kill or be killed?
7 On a scale of one to ten, what's the shape of your favorite color of the alphabet?
8 Do you have a crush on anyone?
9 Are you REALLY okay?
10 Would you cure all disease or end world hunger?
The Contenders
11 What makes you "you"?
12 What makes things real?
13 What Is the Sound of One Hand Clapping?
14 What Would You Rather Keep Chocolate or Cheese?

It doesn't even matter.

15 How Did Life on Earth Begin?
16 What are all the emotions you feel right now?
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