Top 10 Hardest Tongue Twisters
These are the hardest sentences you will ever wrap your lips around.This is apparently the hardest tongue twister of all time, and I know why. I can't even say this slowly, let alone fast!
It was hard but fun. Good one.
Very difficult but fun. Good one.
This is so hard! I always get she and sea mixed up, or when I get those right, I mix up sells and shells!
That is so hard for me! But it's not that hard, and this isn't even the whole thing.
This one should have been #1 in my opinion. I can't say it.
I can only say it if I use some weird robot accent.
Yes, I said it. It's easy, right guys?
In my opinion, this nursery rhyme is difficult but fun to learn. It is easy for children and fairly easy for teens and most adults. Betty Botter Bought Some Butter has my vote 100%.
It is more difficult for some elders and middle-aged adults because of the lack of energy, slower progression with age, and the inability to process the words as quickly.
Can't even pronounce some of these words!
What is ceaseth? I can't even pronounce it slowly.
I'm not exaggerating, but this is so hard!
Who would make this tongue twister?
You have to roll your "R's" for this one.
I think that was hilarious! I loved it so much. You should make another one too. I loved it.
Haha! Love this. It can get quite rude...
If you do it really quick many times, it gets very difficult.
It seems easy, but it is really very hard.
Mine turned into lorry.
The Newcomers
It is so great! My brother thought it was fun too, but hard.
That is so hard to say, but really fun.
I love this one!
This is probably the toughest tongue twister ever. If you keep saying it quickly over and over, by the third time or so it'll come out as "toy boyt." For a lot of tongue twisters, if I say it enough times, I can get used to it and not slip up, but that doesn't happen for "toy boat."
It took me exactly 247 times.
RIP my education.
This is really fun!
Hardest ever!
This makes no sense, but it is very creepy.
This is hard.
Really hard for me to say.
That is so impossible! It is so crazy.
So fun! Amazing tongue twister.
Nice... as in, I love it.