Top 10 Most Wanted Superpowers
If you could teleport yourself and other objects, it would be the most powerful power, in my opinion. You could teleport sickness out of others' bodies, teleport heads off villains in a superhero/villain world, teleport yourself out of bed, your clothes on, dirt off dirty things. It beats seeing the future because you don't need to if you are ready for anything.
Even someone with regenerative powers can be defeated - just teleport every atom into a star in our universe. You could even see how big the universe is or if there are other dimensions by teleporting there. This is just hoping that you can also teleport other objects.
It sounds mundanely better than walking until you start to think about what a space you know would feel like if you've opened it up vertically. What would it feel like to have full three-dimensional movement? You've opened up a whole new perspective on your life. Dress warmly, though.
Imagine flying over everything and seeing everyone super tiny down below, and yet you were up high doing your own thing. You would feel so good and free. Flight is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Flying is the best superpower, and no one can argue with that!
If you can choose when to be invisible, no one can harm you. You can get anywhere you want and calmly!
Another power that I didn't see here would be to force other people with your mind to do what you want them to do, and they think it was their own idea!
I have always dreamed of having invisibility, getting to trick people, sneak over to conversations about me, and just walk around, and nobody would notice me.
The ability to control all matter that possibly exists. Imagine, for a moment, the immense, unstoppable power and knowledge you could gain with just the manipulation of the most basic and fundamental elements of creation! With the knowledge that comes with this power, you could feasibly acquire every other power on this semi-expansive and ultimately supremely thought-provoking internet poll.
Take, for example, super speed. Not easy to replicate, but very useful. You could, as one example, encase yourself in metal of the strongest make and hurl yourself faster than any known object, except those replicated in the massive Hadron Collider!
Ponder my words, my friends, and realize that Telekinesis, the control of matter, is ultimately the best power to have.
It wouldn't be boring. Do you have any idea how much there is to know and learn and experience? You could have the time to learn everything in the world.
Oh, screw off, naysayers! I think that immortality rocks along with invincibility. Besides, who wants to be weak and mortal?
That would be awesome, to live forever.
I'm talking about the ability to change yourself or anything else into whatever you want. If you had this ability, you could probably change yourself so that you would have a different (and maybe better) power. And if you were good enough, you could probably shape-shift the air into whatever you may need at the time. It has a lot of uses.
It would be awesome! I love animals, and it would be cool to be able to become one. Someday, if I'm rich enough, I'll hire a scientist to make a vaccination or something to give someone the power of shape-shifting.
This is one of the dangerous ones. I really like the idea of it, avoiding pain and catastrophe for me and others, but being able to see the future would be a scary experience, like seeing your own death or something terrible you could do nothing about.
Ok, so this is an amazing power depending on how you define it. If it is a verbal prediction, kind of like a horoscope or a vision, that can lead to paradoxes, and it would just be a party trick. But if we're talking forethought, if you could see 5 seconds into the future every second, you could be practically untouchable.
It could definitely get you in serious trouble, but it'd still be really cool. I read in a kids' book about some children who went back in time to the time of the dinosaurs, and they brought their own-time boards to go surfing. They almost let the boards float out into the ocean. If that had been real, scientists would have uncovered human belongings from the Jurassic period.
So, leaving real-time things behind could go the wrong way, but you could go wherever you want and freeze flight and teleportation.
Your internal organs and brain wouldn't be destroyed if your body's genetic makeup was enhanced for super speed. Look up almost any super speedster, and it will say something about how their body is acclimated to moving at these high speeds. Plus, there are infinitely many things that you can do with it. Super Speed is awesome.
I like super speed mainly because, depending on how fast and skilled you are, you can do a lot of things. You could be invisible, travel through time, etc. That is, if you're going off of DC Comics logic.
If this were real, geniuses and hypnotists would be able to go to a whole new level. I am, in fact, writing a book that has a lot to do with this. But logically, if it were real and fell into the wrong hands, only the strongest-willed people wouldn't be dopey and weird. Just my theory on how it would be seriously. (If you are wondering why I put hypnotists on the list, it would help with things that you can get addicted to, e.g., smoking.)
Mind Control would allow you to perform Jedi mind tricks. This power would be great in the corporate world and straighten out some injustices along the way! Also, if you are a parent, ADD and similar disorders would be more tolerable (brush your teeth)!
The Newcomers
Cool! I have that ability. Obviously... I'm Hermione!
It's pretty much the power to replicate what you see right after you see it, but with perfection.
If you had super strength, you would also have super endurance, meaning you could have super speed too.
You could lift an entire building, no sweat! Super strength rules!
I have already got that. Everybody I arm wrestle, I beat. And I'm Abbie (a girl), so yeah!
This should be number one.
Sometimes I feel like I have telepathic abilities. A lot of my dreams actually predict the future. Ever since I was very little, my dreams would literally come true.
More than wanting to have this, I would like to know someone who could do this. I have way too many health problems.
If I had this ability, I would no longer have to worry about facing anyone in a fight.
Never getting hurt is pretty cool.
Going through any matter or being unable to be touched or harmed is cool.
Defined as Instant Learning, Infinite Eidetic Memory, Instant Recall, Infinite Multitasking, and Instant Application.
Just knowing about something you didn't know, and you've learned it. Once you know something, you can now pull off feats that make you seem like a mind reader with your predictive speech calculations. Know the exact second when the first atomic bomb was dropped and recall it instantly - Jeopardy will ban you. You can run an ungodly number of calculations and permutations while holding several intelligent conversations in multiple languages as if you were a native speaker.
Finally, being able to do things as fast as your neurons can fire makes even the fastest speedster jealous. With your genius, you'll be predicting the future by calculating the variables perfectly. Now put those smarts to use and crack the ability of telekinesis, invent true teleportation, and shape-shift, which will give you abilities to fly, live forever, make yourself invisible, have super physical abilities, super healing, intangibility, density increase, growth, shrink, instant regrowth of your entire body, and you might even unlock your mind's power to have real telepathy.
Leave the Omnipotence to God because that's way too much responsibility to deal with, and man would become a devil with it. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. With great power comes greater responsibility.
If we are talking about Stephen King's Firestarter-type Pyrokinesis, you would be impossible to kill since you could eventually vaporize speeding bullets, tank shells, missiles, and perhaps even a nuke. It was also hinted at the end of that book that a Pyrokinetic could possibly control the sun itself. This should be at the top of this list.
I voted for this because, duh! Who wouldn't want to know what people thought about you? I would definitely want to know.
I would love to have this power because then I would know why my dad is always so mad at me.
You're thinking the same thing that I'm thinking. This power needs to be first.
I think people just don't look at the lower half of the list. If they did and saw this, then they would look it up and read what it meant. It means, by definition, "the quality of having unlimited or very great power."
So basically, you'd have every single power on this list and more. You can do ANYTHING! Fly, turn your sister into a hamster, become 700 feet tall, restore the earth's fossil fuels, make a mansion appear with 5,000 rooms for you to live in, make people love you, and so, so much more! This is by far the best superpower.
It would be awesome to be able to control the weather. You could do whatever you wanted.
I have wanted X-ray vision all my life. Just think about all the things that you could do. It would be awesome. Just think. And I don't mean just looking at people's bones. I mean metal, walls, clothes, everything!
This would be good if you could choose to turn it off and on unless you wouldn't mind looking at somebody you wouldn't want to see without their clothes.