Most Offensive Terms for White People

The Top Ten
1 Cracker

Should be worn as a badge of honor. It means, among other things, that you actually speak English.

Ani it looks like non white people (especially blacks) aren't the only one with cuss words.

This can mean many things to white people, either being OK with it, calling it the N word for whites, or somewhere in between.

2 White Trash
3 Hick
4 Honky
5 Raceless
6 Gringo
7 Pasty
8 Wigger
9 Marshmallow
10 Pink Toe
The Contenders
11 Peckerwood
12 Whitey
13 Pakeha
14 Whitelephant
15 Kook
16 Wog
17 Snout
18 Gubba
19 Oreo Filling
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