Top 10 Reasons Not to Support Trolling

I've literally seen multiple users on this damn site support trolls and trolling and even going far as to making their own trolling accounts, and it's all absolutely ridiculous (but then again, this site is mostly full of immature idiots who really don't know any better so should I really be surprised?). There's a reason why certain users get suspended most of them time, mainly due to them trolling a lot and yet almost every user is up for it.

I'm not saying we should feed trolls by any means but let's face the facts already, trolling is bad and shouldn't be encouraged and supported by any means. Hopefully this list will wake people up and have them realize that trolling really isn't gonna make anything better at all.
The Top Ten
1 Trolling just makes you look like a total douchebag.

My biggest problem with trolls is too often people just use it as a dodge to get away with saying deliberately offensive things just to be edgy.
While we can't stop them doing what they do, we certainly shouldn't encourage that kind of behaviour or make them feel welcome within the community. They just make the rest of us look bad.

I've said this multiple times before and I'll say it again, saying edgy crap doesn't make you look better. It just makes you look like an a-hole.

That depends, if you make harmless lists like Breadwinnersislofe if okay. However, if you wish harm on people *cough cought Piplup cough cough* then that's bad.

It really does

2 Trolling is bad.

Quite obvious, but still should be noted. Trolling is an objectively bad internet act. Everyone disapproves of trolling and they know it because no one likes it at all.

In my opinion there’s two types of trolling. There’s harmless and intentional trolling. Harmless would be like creating an account to imitate a celebrity (ex: Donald Trump) Intentional Trolling is when you’re purposely trying to get someone to react and is what most people consider a troll

Stop it Darkboi-X, everyone's sick of you. You're not cool or funny.

Just because trolls are funny doesn't mean supporting them. #TrollTheTrolls

3 Trolling is unfunny.

"Humor is subjective! Hur dee dur! "
That argument isn't justified if people are just gonna allow trolls to troll certain people online. Nobody should even be trolling anyone at all because like I said, it just makes you look like a giant prick.

The only time trolling is funny is when your doing it in real live to your friends that understand your humor

Subjective, and some trolls are funny.

4 Trolling is immature.

Super immature as a matter of fact. Most trolls on this whole site are either obnoxiously edgy teens and young adults (in fact, I'm even shocked to know that there's actually adult edgelords out there).

Yeah I agree. Trolling just causes more conflict and the more conflict leads to hell. by the way, welcome back Redcom - TheDarkOne_221b

5 Trolling is overrated.

One of the absolute most overrated things on the internet. Trust me when I say you're definitely better off doing something else rather than trolling the hell out of online innocents.

6 Trolling is obnoxious.

No offense, But this list isn't very good in my opinion, It's reasons aren't very good like "Trolling is bad", "trolling is stupid", "trolling is overrated", Like dude give more detail Please instead of generic reasons like that, Please don't take this differently, This is just criticism I'm giving you to try to help.

Extremely annoying and pointless. It's enough to make any douche on the internet look like an even bigger douche than they already are.

7 Trolling could get you in trouble.

Yup, but most of them are so stupidly stubborn that learn that the hard way.

8 Trolling is uninteresting.

I agree - I don't see anything interesting in trolling. And trolling isn't limited only to saying shocking things or getting a reaction out of people. It also includes adding troll items, spam voting of troll items, spam remixing of troll items, and the like.

There's absolutely nothing interesting about trolling. It's just a poor attempt at saying something shocking and controversial just to get a reaction out of people.

9 Trolling is stupid.

Well, it's self-explanatory: if trolls were smart, they would do smart / intelligent things. But they choose to do stupid things just because they can't do smart things. Simple.

What do you expect? Them acting like teachers?

Yeah obviously, That's the point.

10 Trolling is bad behavior.

It's an objectively bad internet act. What else makes you think that parents always told us to not encourage bad behavior in others as kids? That's honestly a lot easier to understamd because we really don't wanna cause more trouble just for us to get more problems in our lives.

Trolling causes us to be upset

The Contenders
11 Trolling is abusive
12 Trolling is only doing more damage to the site than good

Since when was the site ever good?

13 You are supporting bullying

Apparently trolling is now "bullying" now okay. It depends. But I still don't think cyberbullying is that real. Yeah it's real if it gets extremely serious and bad. It's just not that big of a deal like you all make it out be.

LMAO,imagine thinking that trolling is the same thing as bullying-DarkBoi-X

14 Trolling could cause psychological breakdown

Well that' because the person is overreacting and is hypersensitive then, mystery solved. Just words on a screen and some unpopular opiniojs (which some people find edgy for some reason).

15 Trolling ruins lists that users have worked really hard on

It's enough to ruin hours of hard work a certain user spent on a list.

#1 needed. Best reason

16 Trolling would only lead to more troll feeding

I think this item speaks for itself.

17 Trolling is contagious
18 Trolling is evil
19 Because people are overly sensitive
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