Top Ten Best Things About Christianity

A lot of people say that Christianity is bad but there are lots of good things about it. Whether you believe in Christianity or not you can't deny that it has shaped us as a society and as a race. I'm not prejudiced against any other religions and I know that Christianity has some bad things about it (examples are the Ku Klux Klan and the Westboro Baptist Church) but I'm here to show you guys the positive things about it. Here are the top 10 best things about Christianity.
The Top Ten
1 Most Christian groups don't reject science and homosexuals
2 It believes in good
3 It tells you to not kill, steal, or lie
4 It is against abortion

Oh shut up and read about cells.

5 It tells you to honor your mother and father
6 It tells you to be happy with what you have

Thou shalt not covet.

7 It tells you to not commit adultery
8 It inspires you to do great things and help others through community service
9 It tells you Jesus saved you
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