Top 10 Things to Do In a Lucid Dream

This is a list pertaining to the favorite activities people do while they Lucid Dream(When you are aware that you are dreaming). There aren't any list about Lucid Dreaming to my knowledge here, so this is the first probably!
The Top Ten
1 Sex

I feel quilty for wanting to vote on this but they say that when you have sex in a lucid dream, it can sometimes feel and be better than actual real life sex. Sex is 90% mentally so you are really just imagining yourself having good sex I guess. Lol

Great for controlling emotions, and simply lots of fun.

Best Dream ever

2 Flight

Great for getting around and exploring, and more importantly, the wind blowing around you feels awesome.

Who wouldn't like to fly to far off places in the warm, breezy air without having to pay any money?

I love those dreams of floating a few feet from the ground. I'm so disappointed when I wake up.

3 Revive/speak to the dead

When you lost a loved one, Lucid Dreaming is basically where you speak to them again and talk things over.

4 Interacting with dream characters

They are just as complex as real people, if not more.

They can be a lot complex and you can also make some "friends" in a LD

5 Become an animal

A good chance to see and do things from a whole new perspective.

6 Time travel

For people who've always wanted to see what life was like back then or change history.

Changing the past is a paradox. Thinking about it wakes me up.

7 Deep sea swimming without oxygen

It's a whole new world down there; Let's see what it's like!

*wrestles a giant squid*

8 Talk to god
9 Practice for real-life events

You can practice it over and over again. A really good and helpful life solution.

For when you're about to do something big, like an audition or job interview.

10 Destroy the world

Why not let out your anger and cope with stress? Unless the Dream World is an actual place...

The Contenders
11 Fall in love with a girl

I love these kind of dreams!

12 Talk to your crush
13 Destroy your family
14 Convince a character in your dream that there are in a dream/ dreaming/ part of your dream

That would be interesting

15 Eat
16 Dating Fictional Characters

I've seen my characters date in my dreams, but I don't date any fictional characters.

That would be a dream come true... Oh wait

17 Meet the Angels

Talk too the angels/your spirit guide/make wishes

18 Rob a bank

Kinda useless when you can make money rain but still...

19 Be popular at school

If your not already

20 Buy cool food from grocery/corner stores
21 Interact with your subconscious
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