Top 10 Things White People Need to Stop Saying

Note: If any of this offends you as a white person, I simply ask that you sit with that discomfort for a while. Really feel it.

Now, imagine that your distress isn't just a temporary consequence of reading a Top Ten List, but rather a permanent consequence of living in your own skin. (Whiteness needs to stop!)
The Top Ten
1 All Lives Matter

In the context of systemic racism in the US, saying All Lives Matter is hurtful to people of color because it diminishes the specific struggles and experiences of marginalized groups. Black Lives Matter and Asian Lives Matter highlight the need to address these groups' unique challenges.

2 Okay, so, am I supposed to be sorry about my privilege?

The answer is yes. White people should acknowledge their privilege and feel responsibility for it.

3 I don't see color.

Unless you're literally blind, this statement is both ignorant and dismissive.

4 Your biggest enemy is yourself.

About as racist as it gets.

5 People can be racist toward white people.

Fact: Reverse racism doesn't exist. Racism is fundamentally about the abuse of power and privilege. If your race denies you access to power and privilege, you cannot be racist in the same way.

6 That culture is so sexist toward women.

This statement is, in itself, extremely sexist and racist.

7 Well, I suffer too!

No, you don't. Stop begging for sympathy from marginalized communities.

8 The N Word

Obviously, it's one of the most racist words in existence.

9 Donald Trump won the 2020 election.

The best thing that happened in 2020 was removing this racist, white-privileged, orange pig from the White House. Biden is much better.

10 I apologize to anyone who may have been offended.

There's a saying: you're only sorry because you got caught being discriminatory.

Shut up! We don't want to hear your empty excuses for being born white!

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