Top Ten Things That You Can Be Addicted To

The Top Ten
1 The Internet

I'm totally addicted to this website. I go on here 24/7

My parents think that I have an internet addiction when in reality I'm just very bored! >:(

2 Sugar
3 Music
4 Smart Phones

I've theorized that quitting my phone would be like quitting smoking without the physical withdrawal (still significantly easier to quit phoning then), because I've learned to associate good things with my phone and I pull it out all the time until it's difficult to comprehend life without it.

Without my phone part of me dies inside

5 Television

Totally! Especially me and I'm addicted to particular T.V. shows and especially this specific one. But I watch too much T.V..

6 Sports
7 Video Games
8 Books

Books are amazing. When I was younger, I didn't have a phone(until 13 years later) and so I spent a LOT of the time reading. Still do. Once, my teacher even gave my parents the whole Harry Potter series from their library because I wouldn't stop reading Harry Potter in class(lol). Books are kind of like movies on paper, if you get what I mean. Whenever I get angry, I'll just pull out a book and forget about it in an alternate universe that the book portals me to. Want magic? Read.

I am totally under the influence of books and the high they give me (even the smell of them! ). I've been a proud bookworm since the age of three. I absolutely love them. This is one addiction I don't ever want to be cured of.

9 Sleep
10 Drugs

Unfortunately Some People Are Too Addicted To This

The Contenders
11 Drawing
12 Tea

I was once addicted to sweet tea from October 2019 - March 2020. It didn't help that I was part of this "tea time" program at my middle school on Mondays and Wednesdays. I would literally drink several cups of it and drank more of it at home. I'm not exactly sure why I was addicted to something as strange as tea.

13 Gambling
14 Cats The cat (Felis catus) is a domestic species of small carnivorous mammal. more.
15 Food
16 Females
17 Junk Food
18 Netflix Netflix is an American entertainment company founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph on August 29, 1997, in Scotts Valley, California.
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