Things You Wish You Didn't Care About

There's just think I wish didn't care about but I just do.
The Top Ten
1 What others think of you

I'm surprised to see that not many people remix these sort of lists. Despite them being somewhat meaningful and relatable.

Well, if I don't know you than I don't care what you thimk of me for the most part.

I don't. I live for myself. And you should, too.

Never did, never will.

2 How you physically look compared to others
3 Grades
4 Who likes you
5 Being single
6 Losing something
7 Being late
8 Rejection
9 Others' opinions

Some of the time at least for example if you love something that lots of other people hate you might wish you didn't care about when they trash on it.

10 Your weight
The Contenders
11 Math

Its useless up to 6th grade.

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