Top 10 Weirdest Dreams People Have

The Top Ten
Where everything's normal

The closest dream I have had to complete normality was when I dreamed of normal everyday life... until I bizarrely began to float at the end of it like a helium balloon that has just been released.

Normal dreams are hard to come across. There is always something not right, whether it's a piece of miscolored furniture or Godzilla trooping through your neighborhood...

The closest thing I got to a normal dream was in November 2021. I had a dream where I was at school, listening to Pretty Handsome Awkward by The Used with one of my friends and my world history teacher. Both of them also listen to The Used in real life.

Wake up just before you die in the dream

I once dreamed about being at school. It was a normal day, and I was sitting at my desk just in front of the blackboard, staring into nowhere. Like in other dreams, I was looking at myself from another person's perspective (just like watching myself on a video).

Then suddenly, the door opened, and one of the maths teachers from our school came in. I remember I was watching the following scene from up the ceiling. He was holding a metal blackboard pointer, and a shiver ran down my spine. In reality, he always used it to beat up boys who chatted during his lessons, and I had (and still have) a panicky fear of it.

He walked near my desk. It was suddenly in the middle of the classroom, and all my schoolmates were at the back of the room, laughing and cheering. He hit my back with the silver pointer. My desk disappeared, and I felt a horrible pain. And then again. And once more. With every hit, I lost a piece of my consciousness until the pain faded away, and I felt myself leaving my body.

I was no longer watching this dream like it was a movie. I saw it with my own ghost's eyes as I kept floating up through the ceiling. The teacher was still beating up my dead body with all my friends cheering. I realized that I was dying and woke up in shock. Definitely one of the worst dreams I ever had.

Do something you can't do in real life

I do this every twice a month: when I go to sleep, I dream about a video game that I want, and I think it is there. But when I wake up, I see nothing.

I sometimes dream that I can float a few inches from the ground. When I awaken, I feel a bit sad that it was just that - a dream.

Like jump 500 miles into the air or empty a flask and find it full of water. Those two in particular have happened to me a lot.

Meet your past or future self

I've had this dream... I was my future self... the world was at war. I was one of the soldiers, and somehow I found lots of dead bodies. The enemies were getting closer, then I pretended to be one of the dead bodies. I looked back, and an enemy spotted me and shot me right behind the back.

I pretended to die, but then he realized I wasn't dead and shot me right in the eyes. It was very scary.

I actually remember this. When I was a lot younger, the dream was a lot more vivid than normal, so I remembered a lot of it. Then when I looked in a mirror, I got some serious deja vu. I realized it was from my dream. Creepy!

Think you're waking up, and then you actually wake up

I had a dream that began with me waking up, but I didn't know I was in a dream. Then, things were weird. I realized it was a dream and woke up again. I couldn't escape, though, and so I woke up again and ended up in Peppa Pig? Then Peppa told me how to get out of the dream, and I was awake.

I never wanted that dream again.

So in reality, I was sleeping on the sofa in our living room. In the dream, I came downstairs into the living room and saw myself sleeping on the couch! The me sleeping on the couch in the dream was about to wake up, and then in reality, I woke up.

The music you left playing is being sung by someone you know in the dream

This one was really creepy. So, I was in a completely white room. Then I saw all of my friends in a choir position. One of them just started singing "Ghost" very slowly and creepily. Once they finished the first chorus, all of them just turned into demon entities and attacked me.

I was horrified for two whole weeks.

A song was stuck in my head all night and kept playing in my head even when I was asleep.

My dad was singing Hello by Adele. I'd say this was more of a nightmare.

Walk one way and come back the same way or wind up in a completely different place

I once had a dream where portals started appearing everywhere. Then, all of a sudden, famous people like Abraham Lincoln and fictional characters like Nate from Plants vs. Zombies started appearing.

I was walking back to my house but realized it somehow turned back to the year 2001 in New York, and my house was replaced by the World Trade Center. The date was September 10th, a Monday.

I've had dreams where the same events keep repeating themselves as if they didn't already happen.

Go to school naked

I have that dream a lot, and I am usually caught by everyone in my classroom. The laughing is just so crazy. Then, last night, I had the dream of being naked at school but all of a sudden teleported to being in the middle of the air, falling to a street.

I had a dream where I went to school, but then all of a sudden everyone's clothes disappeared. It was terrifying. The most frightening part was that it felt so real.

It wasn't weird, just scary. Just like forgetting your clothes in the morning and when you finally realize it, everyone else does and stares at you.

Have sex

This is weird, but I had a dream where I was with one of my friends, and they're just saying suspicious stuff. Then I blink, and suddenly here I am with my friend, and we're just in the bed, doing... weird stuff. I woke up as soon as he was about to kiss me, and I never had that dream again.

Still, I was grossed out for a week.

I had a dream where I was in a realm of dragons and hyper-color. There was this one dragon that locked me up because he liked me and wanted me alive. It was weird!

This never happened but I pretended to in one of them.

Look in the mirror and see a random face

When I was younger, I used to dream of seeing an elderly gentleman's face in the mirror. He had a friendly, kindly face. After a few nights of the same dream, he vanished. I haven't had the dream since. Nice - but very surreal.

When I was little, I had dreams where I looked in the mirror and saw this hairy, middle-aged man. I screamed as soon as I woke up, like those people in horror movies.

I saw an old black woman's face in the mirror before. One of the weirdest dreams I ever had.

The Newcomers

? Meet a celebrity

Yeah, and hang out with gothic metal musicians at a park.

? The first day of a new school year

During every summer vacation, I always have strange dreams about the first day of the new school year.

This year, I've had three strange dreams about starting the 11th grade so far.

The Contenders
Part of your body falls off

In one dream I had a while ago, half of my teeth were missing. Literally, imagine a jaw split in half equally. That's how many teeth were missing. But they didn't fall off.

I don't think this is far-fetched at all. With me, it's not my limbs that drop off, but my teeth crumble and fall out. I read that this is a fear of getting old.

That may sound far-fetched, but I have had this dream on many occasions. And most of the time, it's my left foot. Very weird.

Go super slow when trying to run

Pretend in your dream you are walking in a random city and see a real-looking Sonic (not Sanic), and he wants you to race. You walk slow, and Sonic already wins in less than a second (he is too fast). He says, "You're too slow!" and tries to eat you. His eyes are bloodshot, and he has a big mouth.

You'll get a nightmare.

I dream I'm being chased by people and I can't run fast.

Fall from the air and when you land you hit your bed and wake up

This happens a lot! Once I even fell out of my bed. Usually, I'm in some weird restaurant/kitchen, hanging from a chandelier.

I dreamed about falling off of an airplane and this happened.

It's freaky and sometimes I think it's some sort of ghost doing it.


I had this dream last night. I was having fun with my friend Grace, and we heard two voices. One was British, and the other was Irish. We stopped what we were doing and wandered over toward the voices to see who was there. We were surprised to see Harry Styles and Niall Horan at the park.

They asked us if we wanted to hang out with them, and we said yes. They smiled. They started to flirt with us, and we blushed like crazy. They knew we always wanted to meet them. They then asked where we were staying, so I told them my house. They wanted to come, so I said of course.

That night, they wanted to try something, and we let them. Harry kissed me, and Niall kissed Grace, both on the lips. When they asked if we could date them, we said yes. They did their signature smirk that made girls go wild and kissed us again, more deeply this time.

After that kiss, we told them we couldn't have sex because we were virgins. They seemed to understand and kissed us again. That was the best dream I've ever had in my entire life.

Feel like you're falling

This doesn't really happen when I dream at night, more like when I'm tired at school and I'm having a random dream. Suddenly I'm falling in my dream and jump awake and go back to my work hoping no one saw that.

That happens all the time to me. Once I had a dream I was driving with my mom and brother, then the road disappeared, and we fell. I have a dream all the time where I jump off stairs and fall very far down.

It's really scary in my opinion.

Random object suddenly appears in the middle of a room and then suddenly vanishes

It was so scary! Like, my stuffed dog appeared on top of my computer chair in front of me (I was lying in bed). I almost screamed, but it disappeared. I can't tell if I was awake or dreaming because I saw it with my own two eyes!

Date a random stranger and you like them for some reason

I see a girl. I like her. She rejects me. If I kiss her, my lips always feel gooey and weird. When I touch a random girl, it feels gooey too. Also, in my dreams, I can't really see how the girls look when I look directly at them.

Also, why do I sometimes just start off looking like myself then turn into someone else out of nowhere? I don't notice until later.

Insects crawling up your shirt and body

I had this one when I was very little. You know those dreams when you wake up and think, "Oh, I woke up, this must be real"? I had that one. I woke up, and it was still dark. I looked under my mattress, and a bunch of bugs came out from under it. They crawled all over me and my bed, and I flipped out because I was so little.

I was freaked out for a while, but it passed.

I had a dream where a scarab (an insect from The Mummy) was crawling on me.

I had a similar dream, though I was tiny and at the end of my bed. Giant bees came at me, and when they stung me, I woke up.

Teeth falling out

I have dreams of growing too many teeth on the top of my jaw, on my tongue, and under my tongue.

I have these dreams all the time. It must mean something.

Time travel

I cannot tell you how many times I've had this dream! It really is wonderful, but my strange interpretations of the future are haunting me.

I have traveled more in the past where I know I'm in the past, but nobody knows about me.

I had this dream once in October 2021.

Feel like you're about to fall off the bed then wake up in shock

Sometimes I drift off to sleep and I jerk up feeling like I hit the ground after a long jump from a building or mountain.

I've had this dream too many times to count.

In a fictional universe

Sort of a Harry Potter dream. It has Voldemort, so...

So I was outside this McDonald's, right? I was with the Crystal Gems, and we were supposed to kill Voldemort. But he was disguised as a McDonald's employee. So we go into the store, and there are five employees. The whole McDonald's is black for some reason. There was black tile, the ceiling was black, and everything. To the right was this maze-like thing of hallways, and right in the middle were the registers where the employees were. Behind that, there wasn't a kitchen or anything - just empty floor space and fish tanks. Like the ones at the pet store. There were a lot, and they covered the whole back half of the McDonald's. There were also black tables at which people were sitting.

So anyway, I start cracking the fish tanks for some reason. I really don't know why or how. People started to leave. About halfway through breaking the tanks, I switched point of view to Garnet. I went into the maze area and got trapped in a dead end. I also had a large knife for some reason. I was trapped by some old dude and apparently didn't think to duck under him. So instead, I unfused and I think I was Ruby because I saw Sapphire run in front of me. I then fused again and started trying to stab the mysteriously unbroken fish tanks. They were cracking again, and that's when I saw that one of the employees had a wand and was repairing the tanks. I ran at him, and he dropped his wand. I then tried casting spells for a solid minute before snapping the wand over my knee.

That was the end.

Disgusting incest
See your own face in a mirror

I don't understand this. Someone help me!

You're peeing

The weirdest thing I've done in my dream was peeing fire?! Your face should react when you see this!

That dream has happened to me before many times, but I've never wet the bed.

Dreaming that you're peeing, which causes you to actually pee.

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