Why Baljeet Tjinder is Better Than Ajit Pai

The Top Ten
1 Baljeet has a cool Indian accent
2 Baljeet will accompany you on summer activities
3 Baljeet doesn't accept bribes
4 Baljeet doesn't infringe on your basic rights
5 Baljeet has a cool nickname, (Baljeet Balyeet) while Ajit has an evil nickname (The bringer of suffering)
6 Baljeet doesn't try to destroy the internet
7 Ajit is the biggest scum of the earth
8 Baljeet is in Phineas and Ferb
9 Ajit has a stupid mug
10 Baljeet isn't greedy
The Contenders
11 Baljeet is nice
12 Ajit Pai wants to remove Lifeline
13 Baljeet is hot
14 Baljeet wears cool overalls
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