Worst Arguments Made by Anti-Rustlers

Oh boy oh boy.Anti rustlers better watch out.Because I'm about to "rustle" some anti rustlers with criticism,facts and logic.
The Top Ten
1 Puga, Therandom and DCfnaf ruined/were going to ruin gen 19

No. They aren't. I'm really the one guy they'd target anyway, and that target's gotten smaller ever since I partially dropped the "nice guy" facade.

Whoever said this needs a punch in the guts and a kick in the groin.

Dread it, run from it, destiny still arrives - ThanosTheMadTitan

2 Rustlers are cyberbullies

I don't think they're always cyberbullies, but in certain events they have been. Marvel BAND is the finest (pherhaps the only) example

I've debunked this so many times but all I'm going to say is that rustlers often use harsh criticism,edgy jokes and trolling.Neither of which are cyberbullying at all.If you legit think that's cyberbullying then you definitely have a low IQ.

If anything I would argue that anti-rustlers are more like cyberbullies than rustlers.

I would describe them as tyrants actually...

3 Cyberbullying is a huge threat

Well not only on this site is this false but even to other websites it's false.Now most rustlers deny cyberbullying's existence.Now I do think it's real but the reason I side with the rustlers is because cyberbullying isn't a big threat.It's much easier to avoid or get rid off a cyberbully then a real life bully.

"But what about the suicides by cyberbullying"
Well those cases are sad but they are still overreacting.Why? Well lot's be honest here,if someone insults you,it's way more personal if they do it in real life then if they do it on a computer.

As I say, I agree with both sides. If it's one person, the block button is a good tool if you need it. But cyber bullying is an issue if the harasser gets friends to post it around. The victim is essentially unwelcome on the internet by then.

I don't think it's that huge of a threat, I mostly just get annoyed when people try to "prove" why it's fake though

Oh no whatever will people do someone random typed some keys on a computer oh no

4 What if the cyberbully is a bot or hacker

Of course, cyberbullies can't be bots (they can only create bots), but hackers? Don't get me wrong they are generally two different things, but cyberbullies honestly can be the latter. If they are a cyberbully who cyberbullies, but also try to hack their victim, these two can be the same. The cyberbully can hack the victim's account and get their personal info and spread it all over the internet, in that case they are the same, but they're not always. Sure you don't call cyberbullies who are hackers "cyberbullies", but that doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't

Completely different

5 People should've been nicer to the sensitive/immature gen 18 users

Again this is the immature/sensitive gen 18 users. There were good ones and the good gen 18 users were either neutral or sided with Puga against their own gen.

But back to the main point here, anti rustlers (Especially Darthvadern) seem to say this a lot. Now while Darth and a few other anti rustlers to admit that most of gen 18 was being immature they say that people should have used nice criticism instead

I disagree with this. Immature and sensitive users were plaguing this site (And to a lesser extent they still are) so it was only natural people were going to be harsh on these users. And many did bad stuff like getting Puga suspended over an ELIMINATION GAME! Do you anti rustlers realize how stupid that is. Of course most of us are going to be harsh to those users.

I was a gen 18 User and while I was neutral on the whole thing as time went on I began to lean more on Puga’s side simply because most of them were oversensitive to criticism that some of the older users were trying to give them and help them. They took things way too far and they got Puga suspended over an elimination game which is stupid. And now elimination games are pretty much outlawed. Even to this day over sensitive users still plague the site even though it’s to a lesser extent. In my book if you can't take criticism then you should get off the site and the internet in general

6 Harsh criticism isn't constructive criticism

Now this argument is definitely quite stupid, as criticism is meant to improve people, thus it technically always is constructive, it's just that nice criticism is more visible as constructive even though both can be constructive, I agree

This is false on so many levels.Sometimes harsh criticism is constructive.It all depends on how bad something a user did was.

It can be though

7 RelithFloda deserved the get suspended indefinitely

@DarkBoi-X He actually trolled me on TheTopTens with an alternate account. He claims that he wanted just to rustle me, but if so, he could've done it on BAND were if was safe. I'll talk about my full reasons why I did report him in an upcoming post

Trolling isn't worthy of getting someone suspended? If it's against admin's policies on trolling, then it's well deserved for suspension!

All he did was troll Darthvadern on BAND and Darth took it too far.Trolling/rustling isn't a reason someone should get suspended/have their suspension last longer.Darth,we're friends still,but you gotta stop with this stuff.

Other than his username, it was undeserved.

8 Innocent users don't get suspended if they're suspended.
9 We shouldn't rustle sensitive people

DarkBoi-X, your generalizations of sensitive people are not true. People will be more sensitive to certain things than others. It can range from physical sensitivity to emotional sensitivity. Not every sensitive person is a bigoted crybaby who can't take criticism.
Need I mention the word "sensitive" has multiple meanings. A sensitive person can be one who shows delicate appreciation for others' feelings. A sensitive person can be someone who's quick to respond to something, positively or negatively. It varies. Enough with the stereotypes.
You showing yourself to be easily annoyed by them, again, proves you have a certain level of sensitivity in your hands.

I don't think we should though. We should just ignore them. As time goes by they'll either retire for whatever reason, or mature and realize what they did was immature. If we rustle them it will maybe end up in a war and just damage the site and they'll retire, if unlucky they might spread info about how bad this site is, so no, I think rustling will just damage the site

Well sensitive people are plaguing this site because they can't handle criticism(Whether it's nice or harsh),can't take jokes and don't know the difference between disagreeing and disrespecting opinions and some even disrespect opinions.Rustling is the best way to get them off.

You complaining about sensitive people and constantly saying they should get off doesn't take you any better than them. If anything, it proves you're quite sensitive yourself.

10 Rustlers have bad content

I don't really care much about their content although they sometime make some decent lists and stuff, but did somebody really say this?

I beg your pardon

The Contenders
11 The site shouldn't be perfectly balanced
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