10 Reasons Why Avatar: The Last Airbender is Better Than The Legend of Korra

Here are some reasons and facts about Airbender is better than Korra
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 Airbender has better characters like Aang,Katara etc


2 In Avatar the world building is better because it is exploring the world at large

In The Legend of Korra we revisit some of the major places while adding new ones like Republic City, the Metal Clan and more of the Spirit World which means it has lack of travel.

3 We see more skills


4 The narration is better


5 Avatar has more humor


6 Airbender has linear storyline


7 In Airbender we see better villains


8 It has better executed themes


9 All the characters visibly learn from their mistakes, mature from the early young versions of themselves, and collect trauma as the story proceeds


10 The animation is sophisticated plus dynamic