Fun Facts About Bullying

I am victim of bullying and here are some things about bullying that we didn't know. Plus I am against bullying. If you are a victim of bullying get up and show them that you are strong. If you are a bully remember that Karma always comes back which means something bad will happen to you because you did something bad
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 More than a third of people go on to develop Social Anxiety and Depression as a direct result of bullying
2 More than half of people under 25 have experienced bullying at some point

the government has the inalienable right to send life unworthy of life into internment camps & that life unworthy of existence is bullies

I experienced this
sugar honey ice tea!

3 Social exclusion is a form of bullying. That means, when your mates leave you out on purpose to hurt your feelings, they are indirectly bullying you
4 Guys are more likely to bully someone than anyone else

Both gender are bullies!

5 The #1 most common reason why people experience bullying is because of attitudes towards their appearance, with attitudes towards hobbies & interests and clothing coming in close at second and third place
6 Those who bully are far more likely to have experienced stressful and traumatic situations in recent times

Some do, some don't. But it's still unexcusable!

7 62% of people said they were bullied by a classmate

If you bully anyone with Autism then you should burn in Hell because I have Autism myself.

if I found out if one of my classmates were a bully I'll eat them dead & there family too

8 Most bullying happens in middle school. The most common types are verbal and relational
9 There is no federal law against bullying. Forty-nine out of 50 states have anti-bullying legislation, but bullying itself is not against the law. If bullying becomes harassment, it does break federal law.
10 Bullying affects ALL youth: those who are bullied, those who bully others, and those who witness bullying. These affects can extend into adulthood

OUCH! But that's true!

bullying in all of its forms are crimes against nature & crimes against humanity & the government has the inalienable right to purge them all out of existence, bullying causes extinction so the bullies themselves must embrace termination in the form of military purge to cleanse them of their existence & misery for living