Top 10 Things that Were Ruined by Leftists

NOTE: This isn't a list bashing liberals or democrats; it's a list bashing the left. SJW's, third-wave feminists, soy boys, and people with victim mentality. They have ruined several things.
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 The Boy Scouts of America

Honestly, I don’t know what to say. Ever since Adam and Eve, mankind has evolved and has accomplished so many amazing things. But now I feel as if humanity is devolving back to the Stone Age. I am appalled by this treachery! The Boy Scouts have been around for over a century, but because of some crybaby leftists complaining about the lack of estrogen in the Boy Scouts, they think it is necessary to change their ways. In case these low-life leftists didn’t notice, there is already something called the Girl Scouts. Social Justice Warriors are ruining society. But let me ask you leftists this: if girls can join the Boy Scouts, then can boys join the Girl Scout? BOY SCOUTS IS FOR BOYS!

Correct, Boy Scouts must allow girls to join, but Girl Scouts can and does exclude boys. They don't really care.

What will it be now? The gender neutral scouts? lol

Even though there’s literally a Girl Scouts that sell delicious cookies every year

2 Pop Culture

Todays music pretty much all sounds the same. The singer may be very talented but the music largely sounds like it came out of the same box. It has the same rhythm and beat. Has become pretty much indistinguishable.

3 Comedy

They think comedy these days is people role playing prominent conservatives to make them look stupid. This is why SNL isn’t good anymore. Biased political garbage. Give us some real skits.

This (whole list) is when your brain is overdosed with red pills.

Comedians must keep calling it out. They are an important voice.

4 The Democratic Party

As a conservative, I respect the opinions of the democrats. However, the left is completely ruining their reputation.

Leftists are destroying our party; we don't want to focus on Medicare for all, the green new deal, and staying woke the entire time. We have so many Democrats in purple and very few red districts who are moderate and center-left Democrats, and we don't want them to be labeled as AOC. We can't lose someone like Levin or Abigail.

As a moderate democrat, I second this. I'll even admit that I feel a bit out of place since many republicans would see me as a left-wing extremist, and many democrats would see me as a DINO.

5 The NFL

*Cough* anthem protests... No wonder people have started boycotting the league. And the NFL wonders why it’s T.V. ratings are down

The NFL is about False Idols & Deception

Take a knee you #u$k+n idiot.

6 Masculinity

Masculinity is collapsing because of Sexism Violence & Misandry, both the Left & the Right are at fault

sexism ended masculinity

7 The Black Community

They are reversing back to the Jim Crow laws with there "safe spaces" and stuff, yet they support communism! I'm a capitalist, but Stalin is rolling on his GRAVE seeing all those people.

8 The LGBT Community

Yes the flat out promotion of these various identities is causing devastating mental health problems for so many people particularly younger individuals. When drag queens are giving guidance to children in the school system your society has lost its way. People are free to learn and express themselves how they want but it is not acceptable to ram it down everyone else’s throats.

The alphabet+ agenda is exploiting the legitimacy of those who are apart of us and the left promotes this exploitation.

The person who made this list is a retard

9 United Kingdom The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly shortened to United Kingdom, UK or Britain is a Sovereign State located of the Northwestern coast of Europe. It is a Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy currently lead by Monarch Queen Elizabeth II and its current prime minister is Boris Johnson. The UK is a Unitary State consisting of Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is currently a member state of the European Union, but as of 2016 has start the withdrawal process, and is set to leave the Union in October 2019. more.

Once the largest empire, now a laughing stock. Sad!

They’re banning memes. No one should ban memes.

10 Canada Canada is a country in North America that is next to the United States, and it's the 2nd largest country in the world by area (size is 9.985 million km²). This country has 10 provinces, and 3 territories. Canada became a dominion on July 1, 1867. Its 10 provinces are: Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec, Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, and Prince... read more

Canada is a tragic story. Once a beacon of western values, it has become a frankly pathetic disgrace. The obviously apathetic Canadian people continue to elect the journalist groping creep Justin BLACKFACE TRUDEAU as their prime minister and he’s more than proven himself to be a socialist Tyrant global elite wannabe. He has corrupted so many Canadian institutions, defying their Supreme Court rulings and sadly Canada somehow deems corruption within the federal government as acceptable and not to be punished. Canada under dirt bag TRUDEAU has become a laughing stock in the eyes of the world and irrelevant to our allies. The Canadians are sadly very slow to take notice.

Justin TRUDEAU is a puppet of the globalist and is destroying Canada so it’s an easier transition to socialism.

Oh Cannibis! Our home and na... WAIT A SECOND? WHAT WAS THAT? In all thy command!... WHAT THE HECK?