Top Ten My Little Pony Background Characters
What's the best background character? Find out here!I LOVE HER THE WAY she does'nt know that she barely can see anything plus she is very cute as a baby I should be her because I love muffins to
Wish she becomes the main character someday
She's so awesome. Plus deeps are hilarious
Derpy! ',P ' #Derpy4Life! #Muffin!
She doesn't know that most of her biggest fans are humans.
She's just beautiful! I'd marry her, if she was real.
I like Vinyl cause she's fun. Vinyl Scratch is better than Lyra big time!
She is a super cool dj tomboy.
Why has nothing been said about him? Nice duffle references to doctor who (his scarf, him and rose in slice of life, him starting the time in the super speedy cider squeezy 6000,) and his large shipping area with him and derpy. Such a cute couple, and even more so in slice of life when ditzy doo declares that he looks "like a million bits. Daww, I can only imagine them snuggled up eating muffins on a cold winter day. 😄
Her name reminds me of the toothpaste brand. lol
Not a background pony.
Not a background pony.