Top Ten One Piece Manga Fights

Since fights can have a different feeling in the Manga compared to the Anime, this list is dedicated to the Manga.
The Top Ten
1 Luffy vs Katakuri

Coolest fight so far! And I LOVE Katakuri's character.

2 Luffy vs. Lucci
3 Whitebeard vs Everybody

I recently reread Marineford and I don't understand why I didn't remember more of it.

4 Luffy & Law vs Doflamingo

I still wish that the outcome of the fight could have been slightly different (Mingo still losing, but the final blow being dealt by Law instead of Luffy), but it was still a great fight to read.

5 Sanji vs Jabura
6 Luffy vs Kaido
7 Zoro vs Kaku
8 Sanji vs Queen
9 Luffy vs Enel
10 Zoro vs Mr. 1
The Contenders
11 Zoro vs King
12 SHs vs OZ
13 Luffy vs Sanji (Whole Cake Island Arc)

Not really a "fight" but I love it because it was very emotional.

14 Sanji vs Wanze

Not the most badass opponent, but definitely a wow moment for seeing Sanji fighting with knives!

15 Sanji vs Judge
16 Luffy vs Usopp
17 Zoro vs Mihawk
18 Luffy & Ace vs Marines
19 Franky vs Senor Pink

It was kinda cool! Plus Senior Pink's backstory was very interesting.

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