Top Ten Personality Traits that are Hardest to Control

The Top Ten
1 Rebelliousness

I'm rebellious, and I can't control it. I usually don't do what people tell me to, and instead do the opposite, even if it gets me hurt :V

You know how it is to be a rebel without a cause, and you can't stop until you win?

Why don't you all f-f-fade away
And don't try to dig what we all s-say.
Not tryin' to cause some big s-sensation.
Just talking' 'bout my generation.

2 Pride

Argh, I hate being prideful, since I know that I would rather starve than ask for help.

Pride could get you killed its also harmfull do people around you

3 Holding Grudges

I'm never one to forgive and forget. I always look at someone who I got into a fight with and could never forgive them, or I need to get back at them.

As a person with authoritarian traits, I agree. I can never forget those times when I hit my sister's head when she says I am dumb...

It took me a long time to learn to forgive. I don't want to held accountable for the person I was in the past either. It'll come.

I never forget arguments in fact I note them down. I never let it go!

4 Laziness

I'm lazy, and I can't stop being lazy because I like being lazy how many times did I just say lazy

5 Unmotivated

It's really hard to break through this one unless I really try to do something. What's strange is that I always experience this in the winter!

I'm very motivated, but people who aren't tend to fail. I personally can't stand people without passions. Well, see me on stage...

6 Vengefulness

It's hard fighting the urge to need to get revenge on someone

7 Selfishness

I I I... Always about me. I even annoy myself with how self-involved I can sometimes be... In fact, I'm talking about myself right now! Agh!

Not something I have, but I think it's hard to control.

8 Stubbornness

My parents can be really stubborn sometimes

9 Anger

I know this might be a weird thing to post on the Internet,but I'm going to say It! I know how hard it is to control anger. Especially, when I play sports. I throw things when I don't do well!

This is me. I tend to freak out over minor things.

As a sensitive person myself I agreed

10 Addiction

Personally I wouldn't count this, since it's a mental disorder instead of a straightforward trait...

The Contenders
11 Insecurity
12 Depression

Same thing I said for addiction - I don't count it because it's a mental illness, not just a trait.

13 Authoritarianism

Sometimes when my sister whines against me, I really want to give her a hard slap on her face and a spanking on her butt, and I am not kiddinf.

14 Arrogance
15 Egotism
16 Excitedness
17 Emotional Instability
18 Mischievousness

The worst person to deal with is an evil genius.

19 Optimism
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