Top 10 Ways to Spot a Two-Faced Person

Some people find it hard to tell if a person is acting genuine or not, and the signs can be more elusive if the person thinks they have a strong relationship between the two. These 10 general signs would help you determine if somebody in your side is two-faced.
The Top Ten
Making you feel bad

You should be able to tell whether a person is draining your energy or making you feel better based on their personality or body language. Many people don't pay attention to their body signals and force themselves into toxic relationships. If you find yourself repeatedly drained after having a few conversations with someone, it's better to avoid them if possible.

Always agreeing with you

Have you ever talked to someone and noticed that they seem to agree with everything you say, without any disagreement? If so, that can raise an eyebrow, especially if their behavior seems different when you disagree with them. This is a red flag if you have an opinion that seems morally wrong.

Talking to your crush
Talking bad about others for no reason

We've all done this whether we are aware of it or not, and it may not be a problem for some people if it's done in moderation. But some people who act nice have the habit of talking about themselves a lot, and their conversations mostly fixate on their own lives. A relationship like this is not going to go anywhere if you are with someone who has an ego higher than Mount Everest.


Gossiping is one of the telltale signs of a fake personality. Gossipers usually present themselves as caring in front of others but insult people behind their backs. If you spot this kind of behavior, you should cut them off from your space immediately.

Not following their promises

When you make a promise, actually commit to it. Though it's normal that things can go wrong and you may need to change direction, someone who consistently makes promises but never commits or completes them on time, or even refuses to change their ways, is hard to rely on. They may come up with excuses if you criticize their behavior, making them even harder to count on.

Making up excuses

Genuine people are usually there to help you, but fake people often have an excuse to not hang out or help you, even in urgent situations. Sometimes they might not explain why, but their reasons are often shallow.

Being nice to you but mean to others

I know this is a relatively specific example, but one thing I think of is that if your date is rude to the waiters, it's a giant red flag.

The Newcomers

? Making false accusations
? Scheming
The Contenders
Seeking attention

This may not always be true, as people seek attention for different reasons. Seeking validation is a natural part of being social animals, but people who present themselves as kind may exhibit this behavior more strongly. Genuine people don't need constant attention or praise from others.

Acting nice only to take advantage of you

What exactly makes a genuine person? Helping others and receiving help in return is one aspect. If someone doesn't seem to have a strong sense of reciprocity and makes excuses whenever you request help from them, that's a huge red flag, especially if you are the one who always helps them.

Lacking empathy

You should be able to tell whether a person is acting appropriately or inappropriately depending on the situation, but this is easily spotted when talking about sensitive topics. Some people even make subtle jokes at inappropriate times, not being able to properly read the room. If they do not resonate with your feelings, then it's something you should consider avoiding.

Not considering other people's thoughts

Genuine people take note of how you are feeling and what you think. They are considerate of other people's spaces and beliefs. However, people on the opposite end usually let other people's thoughts drift off their minds. Nobody wants someone who disrespects other people's opinions.

They are friends with your enemies

This sounds like common sense - don't be friends with your arch-rivals - but some folks have no clue. It often comes down to "it's all about me" and not taking into consideration how the disloyalty would affect you.

Talking behind your back
They are inauthentic
They lie
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