Top 10 Best Pokemon GBA ROM Hack Games
Fan-made games are the next step for Pokémon fans, and you'll be impressed by the high quality of some of the ROM hacks available on the internet.Feel free to help this list grow by sharing your opinion or adding any hacks you don't see here.
Its idea of a world tournament was wonderful, and the two regions introduced made it really interesting. TMs like Aerial Ace and Brick Break were made into Glide and Ice Break, which could actually be used out of battle. It offers starter Pokémon from all five regions, and it has almost all the Pokémon from these generations.
Its evil team, Team Steam, is a good antagonist, though I think the name is a bit bad. Try playing this game, and I'm sure you'll love it!
I've played through this ROM hack around 200 times. I've really never had so much fun with a hack other than the Shiny Gold new ROM, but even then, that's just a patch. This game includes Pokémon all the way up to Sinnoh and is extremely lengthy. Prepare for an amazing adventure!
Liked it. It's very different from the games I've previously played where you just catch and level up Pokemon, beat some trainers, then become a champion while stopping a team who wants to destroy the world or something.
This game is hilarious! I would only recommend it for ages 13 and up, though. You fight rapists, murderers, and thieves. PLAY IT!
It's pretty good, but not one of the best I've played. I give it 4 stars.
Pokémon Glazed is one of the best ROM hack games. Sure, there are several flaws, but I do like its features that try to reinvent the story from the Johto adventures. I have to admit it is much more challenging than Light Platinum, and the pacing does make you think.
There is also such a rich story. The only complaint I have is that several sounds of the Pokémon don't match. I mean, I know it's hard, but come on, at least give the Red Scarf Pikachu its true voice.
Other than that, amazing game. Cheers to Lucbui.
Probably the best of Crizzle's games to date. If you want a darker, more realistic version of Pokemon, then Crizzle might be your man. I would advise everyone to play Outlaw, CAWPS, and Korosu in this order. But if you only want to play one, then this is the one to play!
Love the storyline. Very different from anything I had ever played. Crizzle is an awesome game designer. I recommend this as well as his other two hacks, CAWPS and Outlaw.
Great game, interesting storyline, and filled with great lines and missions. Overall, it's a unique game, one that I would surely put at number one on my top ten game list. The game should continue its updates and add more content and regions. That would make the game twice as good.
I'd like to see more of the game, and I wish to see Beta 12 resuming its progress and fully completing the game. I love the idea of Pokémon following you, and more regions, etc. The point is, you should let the game resume its great work in progress. I believe it will be the greatest Pokémon game of all time if it is completed. Great game, great story, but there is always room for improvement.
It's such a super-duper game. I am a fan of this game.
It's cool! I'm waiting for cool updates.
Best game ever. Avoid the bugs and enjoy the game. It took three tries to finish the game thanks to bugs, but it's a great game overall.
The developers pulled this off pretty well, the way it follows the story and all the things you are able to do.
It's perfect! You can almost feel like you ARE Ash Ketchum! This hack is also unbelievably well done.
Don't listen to these idiots who say it's stupid. It's a comedy game. Get over yourselves.
Though I haven't played much of it, I can honestly say this is one of the best games I've played! I mean, come on, you get a Shinx as a starter! Who doesn't love Shinx?
Awesome game. Six generations of Pokemon, and Shinx as a starter! Too bad it isn't done yet.
It has a good plot and graphics. Although I wish more people would know about this game.
The Newcomers
I love it because you get Mew, and it has great graphics. Go, Pokemon Dark Cry!
If you want to begin playing ROM hacks, start with this one.
How is this so low on the list? It's way harder to complete than Light Platinum, but even better than it. Dark Rising is the Majora's Mask of Pokémon ROM hacks. Its storyline is so deep, dark, and extremely well thought out. I'd go so far as to say I like it even more than all of the original Pokémon games. Plus, your starters are either Dratini, Bagon, or Gible. Who wouldn't like that?
This should easily be number 1! I've played many other hacks, and this one is by far the deepest storyline with great graphics, and it's actually a challenge to beat. The second Dark Rising is just as great, and I can't wait for the third. Best hack by far!
Follows the plot of Pokemon Crystal, but what made me like this hack so much is that it still has the night and day system, but in real time based on the time on the computer, phone, etc.
This doesn't even feel like a hack while playing. It's actually that awesome! The gameplay and plot are the best I've seen in a hack, and the unique features are great. The only problem is that it's not completed yet.
A very good hack that I have truly had fun with! It adds some cool things to the original and incorporates the better engine from FireRed.
Great hack, amazing story, great music. The only bad thing is that it isn't finished, but if it were, it would definitely be number one.
A more professional-feeling ROM hack with great details, and just enough changes to keep the story interesting and feeling new without straying too far from the original storyline. It also has more of a nostalgic feel than the official HeartGold and SoulSilver games! It doesn't even feel like a hack.
I heard this was the very first Pokémon hack ever. It's a remake of Pokémon Gold in a FireRed ROM, before HeartGold was made!
A brilliantly done ROM hack of FireRed that captures Johto rather well. My only complaint is the poor translation at times.
This ROM hack is insane in a good way. It starts off with zombies, but then it gets weirder. Trust me, you will come out of this experience a changed person. Also, patience and calm are needed.
Pokemon Snakewood is so creative! Like seriously, who thinks of zombie Pokemon? Also, the three starters are a secret. You don't know until you pick one, and one of them is the only real zombie Pokemon: Parasect.
Probably the only Zombie Pokemon hack you'll find. That's right, I said ZOMBIES! A brilliant, original idea like that deserves a top 10 place.
A funny parody of the FireRed version. Mostly, it involves script editing, but there are several world changes as well.
Simply the best. It should at least have been in the top 10.
What a funny (albeit inappropriate) game!
I still don't understand why this game is not considered top charts in all lists of top ROM hacks (it's at least featured in Bulbapedia), but still, amazing EVERYTHING. It's the only game I have known to play more than three times.
It is also one of the rare games to contain most of my favorite Pokémon, along with amazing storylines and music, and it's not too hard. It also has so many fun events. People complain that traveling so much was a problem, but I liked it, since there is a one percent chance of evolved Pokémon in every map. It also has a cool way to find hidden items and quests, and much more. Just play it.
The starter is Jigglypuff at level 5. It learns Draining Kiss, which is a FAIRY-type move. Jigglypuff is my favorite Pokémon. This version includes the Fairy type.
This game is amazing!
Pretty cool ROM.
This was the first ROM hack I played, and I loved it.
Pokemon Fusion game is a way cool game, and I don't have this game.
While the language is a bit off, this is my favorite.
The first one of Wind's trilogies. Great game. It forced me to play the next games of the trilogy.
It's a must-play, in my opinion. However, the map is messed up and there are just a couple of mistakes. Despite that, there are no bugs. It's a great game.
A really good hack, but sometimes you get lost and don't know where to go next.
Should be in the top 10 at least. The post-game is one of the best I've ever played.
This one is the best of Wind's GBA hack ROM trilogies. Being a Mewtwo fan, I loved this game.
This is my favorite ROM hack, and it has a great storyline.
Pokemon Mega Power has a great storyline.
Amazing! It has pretty much infinite rare candies as well as new types and type advantages!
I love its simply edible design, clever Poke Sweet names, and overall cuteness.
Literally the best Pokemon hack I've ever played, and I've played a lot of them!