Top 10 Ideas to Help Solve the US Border Crisis

The poor management of immigrants at the border has been a problem for a while now, but I’d like to propose a few changes that could at least reduce the problems we’ve faced for decades.
The Top Ten
1 Stop portraying border migrants as sub-human

There has been a lot of political discussion around this issue recently. If you look at the data, there is usually a wave of migrants every decade or two. There was a closure last year, which explains why there is a slightly larger number of migrants this year, and it has been rising in a predictable pattern.

Even when Trump took office, the number of migrants arriving was exponential, and it also happened during other presidencies without any specific policy triggering it. This is both seasonal and part of a historical pattern.

2 Work to improve the countries the immigrants come from

Most border immigrants are coming from Mexico, and they wouldn't be trying to come to America if Mexico and Central America were better places to live. If you don't want Mexicans living here, maybe help improve their home countries so they don't have a reason to leave.

Minimize the visa requirements. Allow visa-free entry on initial tourist visas, which would make it easier to get a work or student visa in the host country.

3 Don’t approach the crisis with a deterrence mindset

"Deterring" migrants from coming here is disgusting. Understand why they're coming first, and work to properly integrate them into American communities second. Don't deliberately make their lives miserable because you don't like immigrants.

4 End the detention centers

These centers have been around for far too long and are a completely ineffective and inhumane method of handling migrants. They only ensure migrants suffer for as long as they are in America. We need much better arrival stations that can efficiently help migrants through the process of becoming legal.

5 Reverse deportation policies

These policies are just ways to kick migrants out as quickly as possible without a second thought. They are ineffective and cruel and can lead to serious harm to people fleeing their countries.

6 Reverse the expulsion rules

Expulsion rules have led to migrants being held indefinitely in refugee camps and detention centers, situations we all know are terrible. We should reverse, or at least change, these expulsion rules so border migrants aren't treated like garbage.

Until we find a better way, we have to acknowledge that there are simply too many people, and we can't handle it.

7 Abolish "Operation Gatekeeper"

This is not the same as ICE. Operation Gatekeeper, implemented under Clinton, seeks to make it virtually impossible for migrants to cross the border by creating an imminent death trap for anyone coming this way. Just let them pass!

8 Stop passing immigration laws rooted in xenophobia

The main reason this mistreatment of border migrants continues is because these actions are rooted in deep-seated xenophobia championed by politicians in the Gilded Age. Operations like Operation Gatekeeper prove we haven't learned from past failures.

We need more people in politics who can recognize this and create immigration laws that help these migrants rather than hurt them. In short, let's make these illegal immigrants legal.

9 Finish building the wall
10 Make the borders more open overall

Hear me out. Our closed border system makes it more difficult not only to come into this country but also to leave it. If we made the borders more open, we would get a large number of immigrants, but we would also see a significant number of emigrants returning to their home countries to make room for new immigrants. As North Korea proves, making it harder to enter and exit a country is a bad policy. Let's not stoop to their level.

The Contenders
11 Take down the border wall

An idea rooted in racism from the start, the border wall is an expensive and wasteful solution to the influx of border migrants. It does nothing but ensure these migrants will never see a bright future and have to continue living in the hellholes they were trying to escape. Break down the wall.

The border wall is a waste of money and is rooted in racism. It needs to be taken down.

It's useless and a waste of time and money.

12 End hawkish foreign policies that ruin the home countries of immigrants
13 Make legal immigration easier
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