Top 10 Biggest Reasons People Give for Not Liking Conservatives

The Top Ten
They are Homophobic

I guess it's okay if you don't like homosexuality, but I don't like how some conservatives disown their family members, bully gay people, and try to make gay marriage illegal. They sometimes even say God hates them, which is ridiculous because the Bible says God loves perfectly.

A lot of other people are homophobic (not me included), and some conservatives are not. Don't generalize, please. It's rude and disrespectful.

Not all are homophobic. You're basing this off a select group of them.

They Use Religion as an Argument

Religion intertwined with politics is really humdrum. Religion, in all honesty, isn't necessary to be brought to light every time.

They are Christian Extremists

So? It's not like Christianity is the only religion to have extremists. Christian extremists are nothing compared to Muslim extremists.

All religions have extremists, as well as political beliefs.

I find religious extremists annoying.

They cause wars.

They Act Stupid

I'm not right or left, but I can say that over 90% of conservatives (as a former conservative myself) are not homophobic whatsoever. Many think it's gross or wrong, but they aren't scared of gays, and they don't hate them. The same thing goes with "trans-phobia."

I think the worst thing about conservatives is the weird borderline pro-war attitude. They say they are "pro-life," and then they want to get involved in foreign nations that have fought one another since the dawn of time, usually causing more chaos than was there before.

Also, they talk a big game about fiscal responsibility, and then they spend massive amounts of money on bombing religious fanatics in the desert.

They are Hypocritical

They keep doing the same things that they accuse leftists of doing. They get upset at silly things, like not standing up for the national anthem, making fun of Trump, burning the flag, etc.

They Can't Handle Different Opinions

Hypocritical items. A lot of liberals also can't handle different opinions. Many claim they are all about free speech, but when a conservative tries to voice his opinion, most of the time he or she is shut down, put to the side, or even bullied, especially on college and university campuses.

Most conservatives resort to the vilest hate speech imaginable as the first line of defense. Then, they start crying and sobbing if you point out the many flaws in their reasoning, no matter how politely you do so.

They Fight Against Certain People's Rights

Again, not all conservatives are like this. Mostly it's the psycho-religious people who live in the Deep South and don't support the separation of church and state who act like this, but it isn't even close to all of them. CNN just picks out those select few to make Republicans look bad.

It also makes me laugh to see all the users pointing out how TTP claims to be open-minded, then tries to shut up and shame people whose opinions differ from his/hers. Typical liberal...

They are against abortion but support the death penalty. They are extremely religious and talk about moral values while they support Trump, who embodies neither. They are pro-life but have no qualms supporting bombing campaigns that may take the lives of innocent people as collateral damage.

Donald Trump is a Conservative

And? He doesn't represent every conservative.

They Hate Poor People

This is a lame argument, and the comments are too. Not everybody has the chance or opportunity in their lives to pursue the studies they want or to find decent work in this society. Not everybody can be rich, just as not everybody can be poor. Poor people need help, and the government is the helping (or at least it should be) institution in a civilized society.

If a government does not care about its people (both rich and poor), then it is not worthy of being called a civilized humanitarian government but rather a fascist regime.

And please, before you write comments about socialism, learn first the philosophical theory of socialism because you don't know what you're talking about. Socialism (and I'm not talking about absolute socialism like it was before the Bolshevik Revolution) is very democratic now and has nothing to do with communism since 1919! Learn your lessons!

Socialism strives for acceptable human conditions at work, healthcare, pensions, the right to a minimum salary, etc., and above all, it tries to help better the nation (and that's not just for poor people).

They are Represented by Fox News

Again, not a legitimate reason. We have only Fox News. The liberals get nearly every other news source, be it CNN (Crappy News Network), MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and every other newspaper in America.

In addition, they get Saturday Night Live, every other night show, talk shows, and movies and TV shows with liberal celebrities. And conservatives are bad because we have one news source that supports us?

It makes me feel bad for conservatives that a group of idiots who hate on others, disgrace the whole country, and make idiotic claims represents them.

The Newcomers

? They Think Liberals are Far-Left

Actual liberals aren't. The alt-left is.

? They Don't Believe in Universal Healthcare
The Contenders
They are Transphobic

This originally came more from the religious psycho fundamentalists, but the dumb online right made this kind of bullying mainstream. Nearly every hard-core conservative is an absolute piece of crap towards transgender people.

Many people fear what they don't understand, and that fear is redirected into moral panic. Moral panic is turned into policy by sociopaths capitalizing on that moral panic. As a result, transgender people have higher suicide rates than other demographic groups because their morale or self-confidence has been beaten down repeatedly by many people around them. All they want to do is live their life.

They are Uneducated

Again, this is not true. Being educated does not have anything to do with your political views. I'm pretty sure this item was added by a liberal who thinks that if conservatives don't have the same political views as the left, then that somehow makes them uneducated and stupid.

When I was in school, the entirety of the gifted group was conservative. It doesn't say much, but we aren't dumb.

They Don't Believe in Climate Change

I'm not trying to say it's wrong to be conservative, but I find it puzzling how some conservatives still don't believe in climate change. It's been scientifically proven by scientists for years that it's a real phenomenon.

This isn't necessarily true of all conservatives. However, after Trump was president for four years, spewing misinformation about wind energy not working and confusing the terms "weather" and "climate," more Republicans went back into the shadow of pseudo-intellectualism on this topic.

They Don't Like Non-White People

They always deny institutional racism and think all immigrants do nothing but destroy the country at the expense of "hard-working" white Americans.

I'm a Republican, and I am anti-racist. I just don't try to help anymore because every time I do, the liberals turn it against me. Then, I'm the one who's racist.

Well, not necessarily. This applies to Alt-righters, but not all conservatives. Please remember that some does not mean all. One does not mean all.

They are Pro-Life

This is a good thing. It doesn't matter when the fetus becomes a human. Once it is created, there is potential for something great and wonderful to happen. Imagine if it were you, little fetus whatever-your-name-is. Here you are, maybe in the belly of a failed condom, but you don't care. You could grow up to be the next Paul McCartney or the next Einstein. But all that can be terminated.

Don't explode, but why should we prioritize fetuses over women? See my reasons to be pro-choice list to get more details. Anyway, if you don't like abortion, it's as simple as don't get one.

They Use the First Amendment to Defend Hate Speech but Whine About SJW Speech

The First Amendment means you won't get into formal trouble with the law for saying something. You can still get fired for a post on social media in the USA. That's pretty hypocritical.

Liberals, on the other hand, use the First Amendment to defend SJW speech but get mad when someone uses hate speech. Conservatives want traditional values.

I am not a big fan of SJWs, but conservatives are extremely hypocritical about this. They always talk this way and get far more triggered than the SJWs do.

They are Pro-War

Beware of WWIII - North Korea, Russia, the Middle East, or who knows. (It's an alien!)

They Hate Michelle Obama for Pushing Healthy Food in Schools

She made my school lunches hell for eight years.

Freedom for them (freedumb) means eating as many cupcakes as possible.

They Love Guns

Guns are a huge problem in America! If it is a people problem, then why the hell have they made it so that you can buy guns at normal food shops in America? Terrorists can just go and buy guns because there aren't strict gun laws!

I'm sorry, but I don't see a real reason for guns to be defended!

I know that I'm not a conservative, but isn't the Second Amendment the right to bear arms? It was originally made for the rights to own hunting guns or guns to use to defend your property, not machine guns.

Second Amendment rights, people. It's the person behind the gun who needs to be restricted, not the guns themselves.

They Don't Believe in Overpopulation
They Hate Black People

White American conservatives are, far too often, racists.

Conservatives are not the KKK. The KKK are conservatives, but not all conservatives are the KKK.

George W. Bush is a Conservative
They Believe in the Death Penalty

This may be the most hypocritical aspect of conservatives. These people are the same ones who push for pro-life legislation, but they're perfectly fine with you dying after you're born by any number of methods, including state-sanctioned murder. This does nothing other than bring us down to the level of the murderer.

They Do Not Believe in Science.

I believe in science as long as it is not used as a weapon of any sort.

Most do, but we have idiot conspiracy theorists who represent us.

They are Bigots
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