Top 10 Reasons Democrats are Better Than Republicans

This is a political list for mostly Democrats to vote on. In my opinion, the Democrats are better than the Republicans, and there are reasons for that.

I want others to add more and vote on my existing reasons.
The Top Ten
Democrats are not homophobic

So what if it's against moral values? I'm a Republican Trumper, and I personally don't see why old Bush Republicans care so much about gay marriage. I mean, Republicans care more about whether or not two gays can get married than they do about working-class single mothers being able to afford food for their kids! P.S. don't bring up moral values. You old Bush Republicans support the death penalty. And P.S.S. don't bring up the Bible either, because Jesus never once talked about homosexuality, and you guys don't support stoning people who wore clothes made of two different types of linen.

Democrats believe healthcare is a right

Most people end up paying less in the long run with universal healthcare. Republicans just don't like it because "they aren't sick right now," but eventually, they will need it.

Republicans want healthcare only to be connected with employment, which really means you will lose your healthcare when you are too sick to work and need it the most.

Democrats acknowledge the separation of church and state

The United States is supposed to be a country with religious freedom, not a country with only Christianity.

One of the most important parts of the Constitution.

Democrats don't try to live in the past

Exactly. We move toward the future and consider it as well. We've abandoned the old, tired, and bigoted beliefs of homophobia and racism that Republicans have so frequently adopted. We care for future generations with our support of green energy and education, but also for the elderly with retirement security. We're creating a safe country for women who are unable to proceed with their pregnancies, and we are dominant among the most financially successful states!

With one major caveat: I think I speak for most of us when I say it would be great if we could clone FDR or download his brain into a replicant, then get rid of term limits and re-elect him.

I think we look to the future for many reasons, mostly to move away from the shame of past generations and to create opportunities for peaceful conclusions to lingering biases and hypocrisy.

Democrats support greener energy

Republican here. I agree with green energy. All that fossil fuel CO2 is damaging the planet beyond belief. As the guy below me said, nuclear energy is the future. It even cleans up CO2, and it provides a lot of energy at a relatively minor cost compared to the amount of energy created.

Come on, I know we have gas prices as low as $3, but we shouldn't forget that we will eventually have to resort to renewable energy sources once we run out of nonrenewable resources like oil and coal.

Democrats believe in climate change

Even if you don't believe in it, we should still take care of our planet and not stifle innovations in energy and recycling.

Democrats believe in better education
Democrats support stricter gun control

There is absolutely no reason guns need to be sold to the general public. I understand that people are afraid of tyranny, but that has never happened in this country and probably never will. In addition, stricter gun laws would make it harder for people to sell guns, and putting a monthly fine on gun ownership, if we cannot stop manufacturing them, would make it less desirable to have one.

There was another shooting this morning at Santa Fe High School, and 8 people have died. This comes 93 days after the horrific shooting at Parkland, in which 17 people died. There were also 2 very bad shootings last fall, in which a combined 85 people died. And we STILL do nothing.

Democrats believe that everyone is equal
Democrats believe in natural rights

The Newcomers

? Democrats support abortion
? Democrats helped the economy, such as in 2008 when Obama turned it around
The Contenders
Democrats support education funding over military funding

First of all, our military is good enough, but our education is not. We are spending billions on our military, which is already extremely powerful, and not enough on our education. No wonder other countries are calling us stupid. Instead of funding more important things, President Cheeto decides to spend more money on our overpowered military while calling our allies' leaders names and ruining relations with them. Nice going, Trump.

I'm a Libertarian, and I think both Republicans and Democrats are annoying, but honestly, this is one reason why Democrats are better. -DarkBoi-X

Democrats support equal pay for women

Women have more general expenses than men, such as makeup and feminine hygiene products. They created us. They deserve respect.

Democrats believe in the right to privacy

For example, abortion is a right to privacy (Roe v. Wade).

Democrats know military action should be the last resort, not the first

Unlike Donald Trump, who would destroy America if he resorts to military action first.

A great strategy. It beats knee-jerk reactions.

Democrats support minimum wage increases

Democrats actually recognize that inflation exists. Republicans create social harm by choking out sales in the economy and weakening employees' purchasing power exponentially.

I'm a Republican, but I agree the minimum wage does need an increase.

A lot of Republicans agree with the minimum wage increase too.

The economy has performed better under Democratic presidents
Democrats are not racist
Democrats care about the environment

Liberals are very caring about the environment! Compared to the conservative party, they tend to abuse everything they have.

Democrats care about poor people

It's just like Labour in Britain, got it?
I know the terms for American political parties. I learned when I was little, from The Simpsons (Citizen Kang), that you have just two parties.

Democrats accept immigrants and refugees
Democrats are not hypocritical about "political correctness."

I mean, seriously, Republicans love to whine about PC culture, yet they seem to be thin-skinned.

Many of them were outraged that a Canadian Donald Trump was "raped" in a South Park episode, as indicated in the Daily Mail comments, saying that South Park is part of the "liberal media." (Last I checked, the creators of South Park were Libertarians, and they make fun of everyone.)

Also, they actually believe that "white culture" is under attack - whatever that means. At least halal is healthier than McDonald's and KFC.

Or how about that time when they were up in arms after being called, wait for it, "deplorable."

Democrats are more educated
Democrats don't just target the upper class
Democrats don't get mad over little things like a gay character in a Disney movie
Democrats don't vote for Donald Trump

If you're a Democrat, you most likely won't vote for a Republican, and vice versa.

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