Worst Right-Wing Groups and Movements

The Top Ten
Ku Klux Klan The Ku Klux Klan (also known as the KKK) is a secret hate group formed in 1866 and is located in the United States of America. The group is notorious for their political ideologies, which include white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-immigration, anti-communism, Christian terrorism, Anti-Catholicism,... read more

This white supremacist terrorist group has been responsible for countless deaths in the US over the years, but they are no longer as strong as they once were.

Should be number 1. The Alt-Right has the same ideology as the KKK, but the KKK are terrorists.

Literally a domestic terrorist group.


This flag has no place in America. We had an entire world war about this. You are one to zero. As far as I'm concerned, this flag should be outright banned.

Needs to be number 1. How is the NRA literally ranked higher than a group that committed one of the largest genocides?

How are they only ranked 14? They should basically be number 1.

The Alt-Right Movement

This movement is very broad, but its central appeal is racism and hatred of the "other." Some members are violent neo-Nazis and white supremacists, while others are just pathetic anti-SJWs or nationalists.

They all hate different groups of people, whether immigrants, Muslims, African Americans, women, feminists, Jews, refugees, or the LGBT community. The common denominator is their hatred.

They hate anyone who isn't white. They call for an ethnostate and talk about how it can "work," but they ignore the means of what would happen, which would include deportations or genocide.

National Rifle Association

The NRA is the main reason why the U.S. does not have sensible gun legislation to prevent the glut of gun murders and massacres.

I sincerely hope Letitia James is successful in her mission to dissolve the NRA.

Tea Party Movement

The Tea Party movement of the 2010s is an anti-government movement that opposes government assistance for the poor and universal healthcare. They support cutting taxes for the rich and are associated with fringe personalities like the Koch brothers, Ted Cruz, and Sarah Palin.

A bunch of idiots who think they live in a communist country and are being oppressed. They tell everyone who doesn't support them that they're a moron without a brain, but these guys can't even spell brain or moron.

Men's Rights Movement

If radical feminists were right-wing and male, this would be it. It mostly consists of MGTOWs who ironically seem to care a lot about women, and incels who hate an entire gender over one person friend-zoning them. They literally idolize mass shooters.

They're just the male, right-wing version of third-wave feminists.

They blame feminists for problems created by men in the first place.


I'd argue they're the real social justice warriors, not the Tumblr feminists. The Tumblr feminists just embrace political correctness way too much. The "anti-social justice warrior" movement is genuinely harmful because of what it actually advocates for, and it's not just disregarding political correctness.

Anti-SJWs are typically misogynists who devote their time to trolling feminists and other women, stereotypically from a laptop in their mom's basement.

Proud Boys

It is not your place to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. It is not about the fetus, and you know it. It is about control.

Even if you do think it's about the fetus, it is not really even a person. It's just a bunch of cells. I don't have empathy for cells. I have empathy for these poor women who don't want to have a baby.

And to those of you who compare abortion to racial murder: why don't you go get hung from a tree and shot over 300 times? Then you can talk to me about the evils of abortion.

This is my most important issue in politics. I truly believe that once you die, God will say you lived a good life, but you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven because you supported the murder of dozens of babies or you murdered a baby.

The Flat Earth Society

The Newcomers

? The Heritage Foundation
The Contenders
United States Chamber of Commerce

This is the largest pro-business, anti-worker, anti-consumer lobbying group in the US. Some of their "greatest hits" include defending tobacco and fossil fuel companies as safe.

Trump Supporters
Climate Change Denial Movement

These people probably never studied climatology and meteorology properly. Actually, I think they have zero knowledge of both of these topics.

A movement dedicated to denying one of the most serious issues.

American Legislative Exchange Council
Sovereign Citizen Movement

So-called "sovereign citizens" do not recognize any laws, refuse to pay taxes, and believe in violently resisting law enforcement when they try to do their jobs.


Qanon is more than a movement. The name itself sounds like it belongs to a beast.

Feminist Conservatives

Nothing is worse than an Instagram feminazi and Trump supporter combined.

Americans for Prosperity

This group is the arm of the libertarian Koch brothers, who use it to spend money bribing politicians to redistribute wealth from the poor to the rich. They also work to make it easier to harm workers, consumers, and the environment.

Citizens United
The Federalist Society
The Intellectual Dark Web

This is a group of people the right wing laughably considers intellectuals, including Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, and Ben Shapiro. Their actual common denominator is their hatred of diversity.

Peterson is obsessed with gender, Rubin is a fool who stumps for corporations, Shapiro is a typical conservative, and Harris, who can't stand Muslims, is now a racist who can't stop talking about the debunked IQ bell curve.

Davao Death Squad

A right-wing group in the Philippines that executes children and others suspected of using drugs.

Anti drug movement
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