Top Ten Most Powerful Aztec Gods

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The Top Ten
1 Coatlicue
2 Quetzalcoatl

Quetzalcoatl was the god of wisdom, life and knowledge.

3 Xiuhtecuhtli

Xiuhtecuhtli was the god of fire, day and heat

Life after death, light in the darkness

4 Tlaloc

Tlaloc is also known as "he who can make things sprout." And he can fertilize water that is in the earth he would be 3rd

I'm from Mexico, so I know these gods

Tlaloc was the rain god.

5 Huitzilopochtli

I'm mexican with aztecs ancestors, so I know that story. He is the son of Coatlicue and in his born he kill his sister Coyolxauqui because she wish kill Coatlicue. He led the Aztecs from northern Mexico to the center of the country where he gave them the sign of an eagle devouring a snake on an islet, and there they founded Tenochtitlan, the largest city and empire in the entire Postclassic before the arrival of the Europeans. The God Of War, Sun and Protector of the Aztecs.

Huitzilopochtli was the god of war and the sun god.

6 Tezcatlipoca

Tezcatlipoca was known as the great Bear. He was the ruler of the Night.

7 Ehecatl

Ehecatl was the god of wind.

8 Tlaltecuhtli

Tlaltecuhtli was the god of the earth.

9 Mictecacihuatl

Mictecacihuatl was the goddess of the Underworld.

10 Piltzintecuhtli

Piltzintecuhtli was the god of dawn and healing.

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