Most Random Things to Do While Making a Random List

The Top Ten
1 Call a Platypus Purple Orange

A great idea. I think I'll put Scooby Doo and C-3PO in a blender while I wait.

2 Try to grow 52 Beards on your Dog
3 Try to train your Dog to Walk With a Walking Stick

Is it wrong I do this... Like every Saturday?

4 Let your Horse Clean up after Itself

It would be very useful for me, if I had a horse. But I do have 3 cats and 2 dogs, which can be hard to clean up after at times, so this would be joyous.

5 Make 157 Videos of you trying to make the List
6 Make up 111 Reasons why I Thought of making this list
7 Look at a Horse chewing with Its Mouth Open

That would be wonderful. I might try to count its teeth while it's doing its job.

8 Put makeup On your Lizard
9 Look at a cat Trying to do a Spilt
10 Like Miley Cyrus' Music

You'd certainly need a serious nerve.

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