Most Random Things to Like While Juggling Ponies and Patting SpongeBob On the Head

The Top Ten
1 A purple polka dotted lantern that loves Belle

Laugh out loud this list is great funnyuser! It's making me laugh so hard right now!

2 A star that has a bean that has a waist

Hold on. Multicellular plant life in stars? As easy to postulate as chocolate hummus jalapeƱo stuffed pillows used for ammunition.

That is so true PositronWildhawk.

3 Idiot closing that has a are.
4 A girl that jutted a balloon in a wall paper
5 Patrick's sister that has big hair and is a giant
6 Sword bow yum
7 Tooth that loves Boots from Dora

This list is making me laugh

That tooth is in trouble!

8 Cat pillow and Bob
9 People
10 Ponies

Maybe that's why we are juggling them.

The Contenders
11 A blushing crow
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