Top Ten Reasons Friday is the Best Day

Friday is the best day of the week most people can agree on that. I like fridays because, I can go home and play Fallout 4 or Assassin's Creed Syndicate or watch Hetalia: Axis Powers. What ever you do on Fridays is your concern.
The Top Ten
1 It is the end of the school week

No,Saturday is definitely the best day! But Friday is the best school day!

2 It is when the weekend starts
3 It is the end of the work week
4 Friday night football games
5 Classes lay back a bit on Fridays
6 Restaurant specials for Friday
7 You get paid on Friday
8 Work lays back a bit on Fridays
9 Most parties happen on Friday
10 Casual Friday
The Contenders
11 There's a song called Friday by Rebecca Black
12 You can go to bed late
13 You can do what you want for almost 3 days
14 It has its own movie with Chris Tucker and Ice Cube
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