Top Ten Reasons Why It's Not Worth Pursuing a Career As a Stalker

Not that I've thought a great deal about it but... haha anyway, stalking, I decided wasn't a great career path after all...
The Top Ten
1 Too many subjects to choose from

I like how there's an ad in the corner of my screen literally telling me to stalk the girl in the picture.

So many people! So little time...

2 Too time-consuming

Who can wait 7 hours for Brittany to change when she gets home from school?! And then I have to camp in the bushes for the peewee soccer game at 9!

It's just a pastime for me. No need to take too much time to do it.

3 Too unoriginal

Yeah, it's all about assault nowadays!

4 Your subject would never know it's you anyway

Oh trust me. I've got my ways.

5 It's boring
6 It's just plain creepy

You don't want to be known as the "Creepy Weirdo Stalker", do you? It wouldn't look great on your Curriculum Vitae, well, not unless, you being an actual Creepy Weirdo Stalker, is seriously considering it a worthwhile career path...

7 If you get caught, you'd have to give up your favourite hobby

...and THEN what would you do? Write boring letters home from your little cell.

8 Your subject may actually like being stalked
9 You could get caught and arrested
10 Fantasy is often better than reality

Just dream about your subject in all types of situations. Reality is never as exciting.

The Contenders
11 Costs too much time and energy for nothing

Who needs or wants to put blood, sweat and tears into a career that has very little or no return. That's just daft.

12 The kid you're stalking will cry and punch you
13 It's just weird and creepy
14 You might get poison ivy from the bushes you stalk from

Ugh, why can't there be bushes without poisonous and spiked plants?

15 The person you have a crush on could come past a million times
16 You need to be very well practiced in the art of stalking
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