Top 10 Reasons Why the List "Most Random Things to Compare" Shouldn't Exist

I honestly think this list shouldn't have been made. And here are my ten reasons why I think that.
The Top Ten
1 It's Randomly Comparing Different Things to Other Diffrent Things

Jackie Evancho to Microsoft? Kurt Cobain to hobbits? Gee I wonder what's next? Gandhi to Hitler?

2 It's Not Funny

If this list was just a poor attempt at comedy then it didn't work.

3 It Might Inspire Users to Make More Bad Comparison Lists

We don't want more of those lists in the future do we?

4 You Can't Compare Things That Have Nothing in Common

It just doesn't work that way. Most things in the world are different from each other for a reason.

5 It Compared Ebola to Textbooks

Please stop randomly comparing Ebola to different things.

6 It's Not Smart
7 It Makes TheTopTens Look Bad
8 It's Immature
9 It's Unoriginal
10 It's Random
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