Top 10 Reasons Why Memes Are Overrated

The Top Ten
1 Most are Unfunny

I'm not that ashamed to admit that a lot of the memes nowadays are at the bottom of the barrel, especially since a lot of them are either the same as other memes, have no functioning power to stay alive (when's the last time you saw a Connect 4 or Globglogabgalab meme? ) or are irredeemably unfunny or awful (I swear to Itoi, if I see or hear Thanos Car one more time, I'm going to punch something.). However, people nowadays seem to treat memes as rather than ironic fun, an articulate class and treat genuine reviews and opinion-based media as automatically inferior to them.

Yes, part of the comment was inspired by an unpopular opinion by a Random-ness Wiki user.

Hmm, seems like you're gonna pull off another "Top 10 Reasons to Hate the Autistic Screeching Meme"-type list and delete your account again.

Memes aren't funny with two exemptions, THANOS CAR AND WIDE BE SOLO

I have to disagree with you there Redrocm I love memes you just have too find the good ones not saying every meme is funny but give'm a try

2 Most Don't Even Make Sense

Kind of the point, if they made sense they would be less funny.

I just preformed a surgery on a grape.

That's the point!

E (that one made no sense at all)

3 Most Make Irrelevant Things Relevant Again
4 Most are Cringeworthy

I think most are intentionally that way.

That's YOUR opinion!

5 Most are Overused
6 Most are Eventually Forgotten

It's over 9000 will never get old. Classic masterpiece.

Which proves that they're not timeless at all.

All memes die at some point.

Shrek is timeless.

7 Most are Annoying

True, the only meme I found decent was We Are Number One but that's it, there Yanny vs. Laurel which was just so overhyped and yeah

8 Most are Offensive

This describes that one Uganda meme. I swear, if they do a meme that mocks the Jamaican accent, I will be TRIGGERED.
- TheDuttyGyal

Ugandan knuckles, enough said? What's next? Finnish Starlow? Lithuanian Sledge Bro? These types of memes are so offensive?

Well I like the edgy stuff so yeah.

9 They Distract You
10 Most are Disgusting
The Contenders
11 Most Make You Question Faith in Humanity

Ironically, questioning your faith in humanity is a recurring Internet joke on its own.

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