Top Ten Reasons Why Star vs the Forces of Evil Is Better Than Teen Titans Go

The Top Ten
1 Star is a better space princess than Starfire

Star is more powerful than Starfire, Star and Marco would have been able to beat the Toddler Titans up easily.

Yeah, Star is awesome! Starfire is a dumbass

2 Star vs the FOE has a funnier villain
3 Marco is a better martial arts boy than robin

Marco would obliterate all five Titans in a brawl.

Marco isn't a showoff as robin

4 Star vs TFOE isn't a knockoff of another cartoon

But it's a ripoff

No its yo mama

5 Star vs TFOE has good episodes
6 Star vs TFOE has better humor

Star vs the forces of evil has better humor than TTG, in fact it JUST BETTER than every other show

7 TTG has random episodes
8 TTG is always stupid

Yeah! I Know Tell Me About It. I Mean, Seriously I Have Never Even Seen One TTG Episode When Teen Titans Go Wasn't Stupid.

Ya know who else is stupid? Yo mama

9 Star vs TFOE has a fanbase

So... It's boring and good? This is weird

10 TTG is lame
The Contenders
11 Star vs TFOE is more emotional

You get so emotionally attached to the characters in SVTFOE, (And I'm not gonna spoil it) so when you finish the series, you get so sad
TTG has no character development and is so random.

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