Top 10 Arguments People Use to Prove God Exists

The Top Ten
1 How was anything created if there was nothing in the beginning

The point is that there was always something in the beginning. One day it expanded at an incredibly fast rate, which was the universe. The universe expanded into existence because of the 14 spirits, who were pieces of the universe that concentrated so hard that they became conscious.

That's because God created the whole universe!

2 There had to be a source of all creation

creation & evolution are one entity, creation & evolution CAN'T never be separated, separating creation & evolution distorts science, creation & evolution is in front of us. displacing creation & evolution misplaces facts & scientific evidence

We have no evidence we were created. All the evidence is pointing towards evolution through natural selection.

Yeah, and it was the 14 spirits.

3 If there wasn't a God, then how come there is so much good in the world?

I think there is too much conflict for people to believe in Bible God.
Other religions up to you.

God is still pure good!

That's subjective, whether or not you perceive something as good

4 What's the point of living a temporary life without an afterlife?

This is like proving Santa Clause by saying "What's the point in your parents buying you, and giving you presents? "

There IS an afterlife. But you don't have evidence God is behind it.

5 There has been scientific evidence of a human's soul

Correct. Who said God did that? Souls are simply pieces of the universe that concentrated so hard they became conscious, then took a body. Anything conscious has a soul. Entirely without God's help.

6 People have had near-death experiences

That's because God saved their life. Before sin began there was no death until Eve and Adam both ate the sinful fruit!

People have also had near-death experiences where there was only blackness.

Sure do. What of it?

7 The prophets were real people

So? Just because all those prophets said they spoke to god doesn't make it true. Why should I believe something someone said Thousand years ago? Just because some people believed and still believe their words?

Real people can exaggerate and lie though.

8 There has been proof of Jesus being a real person

Just because a guy named Jesus existed doesn't mean he was God's son or did miracles.

Yes, he most likely does exist. But as a normal, kind person, who is not the son of God.

9 There is no proof he doesn't exist

There is no proof that he does exist either. And blind faith is ignorant and illogical. Creationists have the weakest arguments. Faith is probably by far the weakest.

10 The bible is very accurate

Whats terrible about an afterlife?
An eternal nothing sounds boring.
I'd rather have Harry Potter to be real and join the headless hunt and have a death day party with gross-out rotten food, strange music and invite other ghosts.

All of the arguments make no logical sense at all and they're absolutely terrible!

The Contenders
11 Most of the biblical armies that trusted in God won their war

That's because they had faith that kept them going, not because God helped them. Or it was coincidence.

Throughout history, usually both armies trusted in god. One would lose anyway

12 Miracles happen everyday

Yes. By coincidence or individual human kindness. Not because of God.

13 Only God can provide an objective moral base

If there is no god, there is no morality.

14 We have the universe
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