Top 10 Reasons Why Christians are Worse Than Atheists

The Top Ten
1 They Use Their Faith as an Excuse to Do Terrible Things

For example, I knew a person in real life who was Christian and he did some pretty bad things. But he thought that as long as he could ask God for forgiveness then he wouldn't risk going to Hell. What sense does that make? Where's the logic in that?

Just like pro life people killing people at abortion clinics. Explain this one to me? How can you be pro life and kill innocent people at the same time?

As an Agnostic(It's kinda in between religion and atheism) everyone has done this.

2 They Hate Homosexuals and Bisexuals

Why are these two sexualities even considered a sin anyway? It's not like they're harming anyone or anything. It's not like they can help it.

Top ten reasons why edgy satanists who just are for the sake of edgyness are worse than Christians and Atheists

I don't at all, half my friends are gay or bi!

Yes I love this list.

3 They Force Their Religion Onto Their Children

What's the point? Let your kids believe in whatever they wanna believe as long as they're not hurting anyone (you should definitely think twice before even having kids because I guarantee you that they're not gonna like what you like).

How do the get to choose when the are forced to believe from birth. Most parents wouldn't let their kids be atheist.

All people pass their religions down to their children! Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, etc! **EVERYONE! ** Even atheists pass on their lack of faith to their kids!

Everyone passes their religion onto people.

4 They Formed Hate Groups Like the Ku Klux Klan and the Westboro Baptist Church

Westboro Baptist Church is not really a "group", its more like a small "club" with only about 20 members. Why pay any attention to them at all?

No they're just white christians who have nothing better to do than hate

Both these groups are hateful towards mainline Christians!

Two of the most disgusting groups in America!

5 They Think Their Religion is the True One

No religions are correct. If we found the right one then we'd all follow it, and Christianity isn't the right one!

Again, all religious groups believe that their own faith is the right one! Atheists included.

That's like why people follow the religion! I don't mind what you are so don't even go there.

6 They're Hypocritical

They mock and condemn people with different beliefs, but when someone criticizes their faith they get angry about it.

Maybe if people said true stuff then I wouldn't be "mad" :/

7 They Think Certain Movies, Shows, Games, Songs, etc. are Enough to Destroy Their Faith

Seriously! Their faith has gotta be pretty weak if they believe that a harmless song or game will destroy it.

8 Some Refuse to Seek Medical Attention in Favor of Praying
9 They Reject Science in Favor of Creationism

I'm genuinely scared that more people in the future are gonna turn out Christian because of how Christians reject evolution in favor of some bullcrap fairy tales.

Nonsense! There have been plenty of Christians that were great scientists.

I've actually met a Christian that believed the Earth was 5000 years old

10 They Don't Actually Read the Bible and Question It

Probably do many websites have bits from the Bible. Its more cherry pick.

The Contenders
11 They Worship Some Random Guy They've Never Even Met
12 They're Against Abortion

Well it's murder of a baby.Should only be allowed in extreme cases

Ono, I'm against killing babies!

13 They cherry pick.
14 They're Against Masturbation

There's nothing wrong with it. Besides, going through long periods without sex is unhealthy. After not masturbating for a long time your temper will start to get worse. You'll say anything to anyone and you'll be scared of nothing. If you see a hot girl, your brain will be forced to talk to her because it wants to reproduce.

I'm not against it just weird to think about.

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