Top 10 The Simpsons Episodes with the Worst Ending
An now to look at the flip side of things. For every good Simpsons episode ending there are going to be a fair share of bad endings. You know, those endings where nothing really gets resolved, come off as insulting or just plain make no sense. Note not all of the episode on the list are bad we're just looking at the ending.Unable to get the town their money back, the Simpsons return home and find everyone looting their house. Not wanting to stay mad at them, the townspeople decide instead to break into their home and take all of their stuff, leaving them with nothing but a wash rag, which the family all fight over.
Worst episode ever. And Season 9 was the worst season of the Golden Age (1-10).
One of my least favorite endings in Simpsons history.

In a jump the shark moment, it's revealed that the man everyone knows as Seymour Skinner is actually an impostor who took the identity of a soldier he served with in Vietnam. The real Seymour Skinner returns home to reclaim his life. At the end of the episode, they strap the real Seymour Skinner to a train and ride him out of town, making the impostor the official Seymour Skinner. They just sweep everything under the rug, making the whole episode entirely pointless.
Worst episode ever. Even the creator of The Simpsons despised this episode.

That was such a mean-spirited ending. It made us believe that Homer was going to die for real until it was all a big setup for a freakin' game show. It's like they were trying for something dark but ended up goofing off and adding an unnecessary guest star, to boot. And that guest star is big-breasted actor Carmen Electra.
The ending is just one big cop-out, revealing that everything Homer and Marge went through was all part of a prank reality show.

The ending really makes no sense. After Bart goes completely bonkers, stealing a tank and shooting down a Major League Baseball satellite containing documents on everyone in Springfield, Mark McGwire shows up, distracts everyone with a long home run, and steals the documents, hiding them under his hat.

Gil gets fired after he gives away a special doll to Lisa that was supposed to go to his boss's daughter. The Simpsons invite him to stay, but he quickly overstays his welcome. When Marge is finally ready to tell him off, he's already gone. Instead of just being glad he's finally gone, she tracks him down at his job where he's successful, tears into him for overstaying his welcome, and gets him fired again.
The Newcomers

Despite its flaws, it's still a decent episode, despite the cruelty.

The episode was good, but the ending really comes off as dark and mean-spirited. Frank Grimes has a meltdown while trying to prove to everyone what an idiot Homer is and accidentally kills himself. During his funeral, Homer, while asleep, asks Marge to change the channel, and everyone laughs, praising Homer as Frank Grimes's casket is lowered, turning his funeral into an afterthought.
Frank Grimes was arrogant and mean-spirited, but I don't really think he deserved to die. Homer's Enemy is a rather dark episode in a light-hearted family comedy series, but its dark humor makes it one of my favorite episodes!
A curfew is put into effect for all the kids in Springfield thanks to Homer and his drunk friends destroying the school, with the kids being blamed for it. The kids get back at them by revealing all of their secrets via radio. When the adults find out, it leads to a standoff between the two groups, until all the senior citizens get tired of the noise and impose a curfew for everyone under 70, as all of the seniors voted and Homer didn't.

After Homer carelessly dumps trash right under Springfield, the trash begins rising up, completely covering the town in garbage. As a last resort, the whole town is moved miles down the road, and the old Springfield is left a complete dump as a Native American looks on in horror at the now-trashed old Springfield.
This was one of the main reasons why I despise this episode. It is my least favorite episode of the season, although I enjoyed the scenes with U2 in them.

I loved the episode, but in the end, you feel really bad for Bart, Milhouse, and Martin. After putting their money together to buy the rare Radioactive Man #1 comic, they end up fighting among themselves, and the comic gets destroyed in a very hilarious and cruel way. It ends up out in the rain as Santa's Little Helper tears it apart and, just for kicks, gets destroyed by lightning.
The ending feels like it stopped out of nowhere and should have continued. The ending was too weak and could have been written much better. Otherwise, it was a solid episode.
That was hardly even an ending at all.
Canon ending: Maggie Simpson shot Mr. Burns.
Non-canon ending: Waylon Smithers shot Mr. Burns.