Best Episodes of South Park Season 3
This is one of the worst episodes of the whole series
I loved when Craig flipped off me Mackey and denied it
Craig looked so hot and raunchy I wanted to kiss him in the bed naked and rub him in between his legs with a fluffy blanket while he just moans in a hot way wanting more and when I'm done with that I'd put him in the bathtub with the water below his belly button but above his I - know -what and give him sucky sucky and tell him its comfier if he lies back and I'd crawl in between his legs while he flashes me and starts rubbing himself there I don't like to mention it much and say he'd feel better humping the bathtub while I rub him there from behind and call him my beautiful hot sexy naked cowboy and when I'm done with that I d lay him on a fluffy towel on his stomach putting his wiener on a vibrator with his legs seperated and pretending to have sex with the vibrator and lay him on his back with his legs apart with his knees up and I'd give him a nice hot massage in between his legs and pretend to give him a bath in between his legs by rubbing him there with my hands and get him in the bed ready to make love with me God he's so hot
Ha Craig was pretty funny in that episode it shows that his assertiveness can lead to trouble
The Newcomers