SpongeBob Episodes With the Worst Endings
This is a list of Spongebob episodes that have one of the worst endings ever. Most of them have that. But some do not. And some that are terrible. So let's get started.Crying does not solve your problems. I hate SpongeBob's line too, but it's taken WAY too seriously. It's entertainment, not education. Geez.
Oh, crying solves all your problems is a horrible moral. Do you see/want people crying literally all the time?
Imagine a 4-year-old watching this episode.
"Crying does solve your problems? Wow! I'm going to cry so it can solve my (anything)!"
UGH! Not only does this episode make parents and viewers want to complain, but the ending sucks as well. The police arrest Sandy just for nudity. WHAT? Remember the police looking at her? Guess what they say?
Police: Look! A hairless goat!
Wow. I really want to punch those fish cops in the face.
If only I could save Sandy. I'm her admirer.
The first 5 minutes of this episode were alright. Then after SpongeBob brings home Puffy Fluffy, it drops to somewhat okay, and then really bad.
SpongeBob is even being eaten by Puffy Fluffy, and Gary is the one who saves him. Then he scolds Gary for driving away Puffy Fluffy, or in simple terms, saving him (SpongeBob) from being eaten. Then he takes away Gary's fun at home.
What a complete moron SpongeBob was in this episode. This should have been the premise for why Gary ran away.
SpongeBob should have realized how horrible Puffy Fluffy (I think that's his name?) was and apologized to Gary for not listening. Instead, Gary saves SpongeBob's life, and what does SpongeBob do? He gets mad at Gary!
Seriously, if you think that the ending of Stuck in the Wringer is bad, then you should hear more about Face Freeze!
It makes no sense! If you hold a face for too long, you get face freeze! Fred got it for sticking his tongue out 444 times, and SpongeBob and Patrick got it for keeping their creepy faces for nearly 24 hours. But this is the part that confuses me the most!
Mr. Krabs realizes that SpongeBob disobeyed him and got face freeze after getting angry for about 5 seconds. Then Squidward gets it for laughing for a few seconds! This episode makes no goddamn freaking sense!
Let me tell you why this ending should be #1. Everyone comes back, and Krabs tells SpongeBob they were celebrating the national "No SpongeBob Day." Then Patrick gets off the bus. SpongeBob asks, "Even you, Patrick?" His answer is, "Yeah, we need at least one day away from you," and laughs like SpongeBob. When SpongeBob cries, Krabs tells him they dedicated the whole day to him. Here's what they did:
They built a SpongeBob statue and burned it to the ground. Cruel. What's even more cruel is that they were dancing on the ashes afterward, like SpongeBob is a national Bikini Bottom murderer. However, SpongeBob still believes the day was really dedicated to him and says, "Wow! Really, writers?"
Then Patrick suggests they celebrate "No Patrick Day," and everyone runs happily to the bus, even SpongeBob. Patrick tries to get on the bus, but SpongeBob stops him. I mean, really? Plus, even Gary was there! Maybe he remembered "The Great Snail Race." The ending is cruel, and the episode itself is kinda creepy.
Like Rodeo Daze, it includes a character saving other characters while SpongeBob drops a pun at the end. This time...
SpongeBob: Now that's what I call a viking-sized adventure.
The ending came out of nowhere here.
The Newcomers
Sandy: Next time leave the rodeos to me.
SpongeBob: Aw, nuts.
Proof enough?
OH MY GOD! The ending after the several months later part looks like the beginning. It ends with the giant sea monster (A.K.A. Dutchman's girlfriend) showing up. AND SHE'S CREEPY! Well, that's it. I hope you like this awesome list, so bye.
Proof that the writers will pull any cheap trick to keep every conflict in SpongeBob status quo.
SpongeBob got hooked and was humiliated, and nobody even comforted him! It's sad to leave SpongeBob sad and not help him!
This ending was embarrassing, but still funny.
SpongeBob buys a kiddie meal for him and Patrick. The two agree to share the toy, with Patrick having it that day and SpongeBob having it tomorrow. However, after playing with it all night, Patrick never shares, and at the end, he states he'll buy two more toys and says, "This time it's on me." He takes SpongeBob's money and says to SpongeBob, "Have you learned nothing about sharing?" Patrick sure is one to talk.
One of the stupidest endings in SpongeBob.
I really like this episode, but I can't stand the ending. SpongeBob and Patrick are so stupid in the very end. I can't believe this wasn't already on the list. It would have been perfect if he was able to stay in the lodge.
This is the episode that gives me nightmares! The mixing and morphing in ALL CARTOONS needs to stop! You have probably given little kids nightmares because NO little kids watch this stuff too! Don't try to do this to the kids.
Nickelodeon, you messed up. Why would you make this disturbing, nightmarish episode?
This must be so low because half the people here have it banned in their country.
You thought the toenail scene was bad? Take a look at the ending. Squidward's house wins due to it being a wreck, and Squilliam breaks down crying. TERRIBLE!
The episode was just beyond horrible, and then at the end, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy get punished even though they didn't do anything, and SpongeBob and Patrick don't get punished.
I love this show, even the newer episodes. But man, were SpongeBob and Patrick idiots in this ending. (And the entire episode.)