Top 10 Best Ideas for a New South Park Episode

The Top Ten
Back to the Classic

YES! The old voices should come back, and nothing too complex should be added. Maybe they could journey through time and see all the seasons (not all episodes).

I've thought about this same thing, kind of. I can also do a pretty good Chef voice too. This definitely has my vote.

The boys build a time machine and travel back to the first episodes of the series.

Pulcino Cartman

Cartman sings Kyle's Mom's a B*** again and becomes a famous singer.

The Omen: The Return of Damien

Great! I also think Pip and Damien should become best friends.

Damien returns to destroy South Park.


Scott returns with many Ginger children to destroy Cartman.

Cloudy with a Chance of Monsters

All the monsters that have appeared in the series return to destroy and dominate South Park. The children, with the help of a monster like Scuzzlebutt or Robert Smith in his monster form, must band together to stop the evil monsters.

A New Mr. Slave For Mr. Garrison

Mr. Garrison wants to have a new boyfriend. Meanwhile, Cartman wants to kiss Patty Nelson.

The Stick of the Truth

Three episodes could be based on the game.

Lorde vs Lorde

The real Lorde appears in South Park to kill Randy.

A Soul a Day

Based on the book Every Day by David Levithan, an unexplained "spirit" takes the place of a different South Park resident each day. Every resident is "possessed" by the spirit until it moves on to a new town.

Kenny Moves

As a parody of the movie 8 Mile, Kenny's family can't afford to live in South Park anymore and has to move to Detroit, where Kenny becomes a famous rapper.

As a parody of 8 Mile, Kenny's family moves to Detroit, and Kenny becomes a famous rapper.

The Newcomers

? Sorry, I'm Not Stephanie

The boys find out that Stan is a transgender guy when they are reading and Cartman notices a bit of Stan's black binder peeking through his white t-shirt. Cartman then discovers Stan's dead name, Stephanie, and starts calling him that to tease him.

Kyle is always there to support and comfort Stan when he feels down. One night, during a sleepover at Stan's house, Kyle hears him quietly sniffling and sobbing. Concerned, Kyle asks if he's okay. Stan shakes his head no. Kyle offers him some Kleenex from the bedside table, and Stan reveals that he has always had a crush on Kyle. He then asks if Kyle would be his boyfriend. Kyle agrees, and the two of them begin dating, finding happiness together.

? Boys vs. Girls

During a school assembly, the principal announces that there is going to be an event at South Park Elementary where all the 4th graders will play games, but it will be boys against girls. Whichever gender wins will earn a big prize.

After the assembly, everyone starts fighting with each other about which gender is better. Kyle, Stan, and Wendy quickly realize that this entire event is ridiculous and believe that all genders should be equal and accepted.

On the day of the games, the boys and girls continue arguing about which gender is better and create stereotypes for each other. Kyle, Stan, and Wendy have had enough of the arguing and decide they won't participate, but they are quickly pressured into joining by their respective groups.

During the games, the boys win some events, and the girls win others. However, the final event, tug of war, becomes a chaotic tie when the boys and girls pull the rope so hard that it breaks. Just as they are about to celebrate their victories, Kyle gives one of his classic "You know, I've learned something today" speeches. He explains why all genders should be equal and accepted. Everyone, including the mayor, students, and teachers, agrees with him. The kids hug and then hang out together to end the episode.

The Contenders
Someone Gets Pregnant

A random 4th grader gets pregnant, and the class (except for Cartman, who has made a bet that she will abort it) tries to convince her to keep it. Cartman, determined to win the bet, does everything he can to make her change her mind. In the end, she decides to keep the baby. Cartman is then trapped in a simulator where he has a girlfriend who is pregnant and won't abort it. The 4th grader becomes a main character and gives birth in a future episode, while Cartman remains in the simulator for 9 months. During this time, his story in the simulator is followed. Meanwhile, a clone of Cartman is created, who believes he is the real one but farts every time he swears. When Cartman finally escapes the simulator, the two Cartmans battle to the death, and the clone ends up trapped in the simulator.

Terrance and Phillip in: The Final Fart
Girl vs boys

A new girl comes to town who is a tomboy but also very smart. She likes Kyle and, in an attempt to get his attention, makes life miserable for every boy. She also becomes best friends with Wendy. However, despite her tough exterior, she comes from a wealthy but loveless home, where her parents favor her younger siblings.

Going, Going Nude

The boys discover that there is a 48-hour nude famine occurring in South Park. The famine forces all the South Park residents to wear no clothes and become completely naked.

South Park 51

The mayor wants to use an astronaut from the USA to destroy the world.

NFL Nightmare
House of Cartmans

After the grill accidentally catches on fire during a barbecue at Cartman's house, the entire house burns down. Cartman and his mom, Liane, are forced to find a new place to live in South Park. However, none of the houses Liane can afford satisfy Cartman. Determined to live in the house of his choice, Cartman decides he will pick the house himself, regardless of how expensive it is.

After the grill catches on fire during a barbecue at Cartman's house, Cartman and his mom, Liane, are forced to move out and find a new home in South Park. The problem is that most of the houses Cartman likes are within his mom's budget, which frustrates him. He then decides to pick the house himself, with help from Stan, Kyle, and Kenny.

Of Girls Thing
Blame Canada, Again!
Black Metal

South Park should make a black metal episode.

Terrance and Phillip Retire
PC Principal Vs Police Chief Harrison Yates

It would be really funny to see PC Principal, the social justice warrior, storm into the South Park police department. The officers, who go out of their way to be as racist, bigoted, and corrupt as possible, are taken aback when PC Principal tells them they aren't doing their jobs properly. This creates tension, especially with Police Chief Harrison Yates, who becomes furious at being told how to do his job. This could lead to some serious bad blood in South Park.

The President vs. the Dictator

This episode revolves around Mr. Garrison, who gets fired as president and sent to jail after terrorizing the citizens of South Park. Once he is released, he seeks revenge on whoever is currently the President of the United States, rather than trying to get his old job back as a teacher.

City Sunset Heights

City Wok hasn't had a customer in two weeks, and Mr. Kim is fed up with waiting for business. He decides to renovate City Wok into a hotel called City Sunset Heights.

Kenny Unhooded

An episode where Kenny is seen completely unhooded and speaking clearly, not just in the background but for an entire episode. This would be brilliant, as it would give viewers a chance to learn more about him.

So the whole plot is just Kenny not wearing his hoodie?

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