Best Total Drama Seasons
This is the best season of Total Drama, only just ahead of season 1. I wasn't a big fan of Gwen not making merge and Noah getting eliminated. It would have been cool if Duncan got voted out before Gwen and Courtney because I was never really a massive fan of Duncan.
The drama was great and I felt sorry for those that got voted out because of Alejandro. DJ should have made merge but not the finale. Noah should have made it further than Owen because Owen always makes it to merge. Same with Duncan. Overall, this is a great season, 8/10 rating from me.
This is the best Total Drama season, and probably nothing will ever top this! There are no characters I dislike in this season. I can even tolerate Courtney, and she's my least favorite character. Heather is the definition of how to write a villain in these kinds of shows without derailing other characters!
I really love all the romances and rivalries. My favorite rivalry has to be the one between Duncan and Harold. The challenges in this season are very fun, like the big sleep and that part in episode 21 where you have to guess the elimination order that has happened so far. The best challenge is definitely the "I Triple Dog Dare You" one.
There are really good plot twists, like Harold rigging the votes to get Courtney eliminated as revenge on Duncan for bullying him, and the fact Owen won - I was not expecting that! Also, the fact that Chris decided to let Izzy and Eva back in the game when the merge started was surprising.
Even if a character was out early, they still had a storyline or got some development. Ezekiel was the first one out for being sexist but tried to improve in episode 27 by teaming up with girls. Tyler was out in episode 7, but he still had his romance with Lindsay. Cody was eliminated in episode 9, realizing that Gwen isn't into him and that she is into Trent, so he tries to hook her up with him. Eva still had some screen time since she got to return to the game in the merge. She could have lasted more episodes, but I'm glad she got more screen time.
Beth, being the ninth person eliminated, had her alliance with Heather and Lindsay and had that cursed doll from Honey Island that caused them to keep losing challenges! The comedy in this season is also really good, like that one scene where Owen was dreaming about a cheese helicopter.
That's all I really have to say about this season. Sure, it has its flaws, like Leshawna and Lindsay's elimination being super unfair and that one scene in episode 14... more
There is so much wrong with this season. The finale should have been Lindsay vs. Harold. Duncan was a screen hog, and he wasn't much of a bad boy. Courtney was so much different, and I didn't like it. Gwen dumped Trent just because he liked the number 9. I hate how Duncan helped end Gwent. Heather was not the same. Justin was supposed to be a villain, but he only was a villain for an episode or two.
I didn't really feel like Beth should have gone to the finale, and TDA character development is nowhere near the quality of TDI. Neither Duncan nor Beth deserved to win. I hated the Aftermath show, mostly because Geoff and Bridgette were hosts. Geoff and Bridgette are some of my favorite characters, but the Aftermath show kind of ruined them. Katie and Sadie should have hosted, haha. I hated how Owen was a villain, but not as much as others do. Also, sometimes the challenges were lame, and I did not enjoy how Duncney was kind of forced.
Anyway, there were some good parts. Lindsay, Justin, and Harold were all great in this season. Late TDA was actually amazing after Gwen and Trent were gone, and Courtney was there. I loved the murder mystery.
This one is definitely the best season. I liked how they were singing and how Blaineley joined and revealed all that no one knew. I also loved spotting Ezekiel hiding. I also noticed lots of character development, and some were bad. I hated the way so many people betrayed their couples (e.g., Bridgette and Duncan). Gwen also ruined my favorite friendship between her and Courtney.
I absolutely loved Sierra's character and how she would do anything for Cody. I love the end when she finally understands that they can just be 'best friends'. I loved how Heather adored Alejandro but tried to keep it quiet. Some of the songs were amazing (e.g., Loving Time/Rowing Time). I also enjoyed watching Duncan and Alejandro compete, and Heather and Alejandro compete.
I disliked the way no one but Heather, Sierra, Noah, and Cody realized what Alejandro was doing. Noah's unfair elimination was interesting, and I loved it when Lindsay realized that Tyler was back. I love their relationship and think that it is the least toxic relationship that season.
Wow! Was this season a breath of fresh air! A brand new cast and new host. This season is honestly amazing. The challenges are tough, and you can really feel the contestants struggle to not be the last team to arrive at the chill zone. This season is also very suspenseful, more so than TD's elimination ceremony, but that's just my opinion.
10/10, definitely recommend it.
Second fave season, second only to Pahkitew Island (I can feel you judging me). I just love that the characters are realistic, and Noah and Emma have one of the biggest 'will they, won't they?' relationships in TD history. I kinda wish it was Geoff and Duncan, or Geoff and DJ instead of Brody, but he was a pretty good character too.
I know this one gets a lot of hate, but I personally love it. Sure, characters like Sierra and Lindsay went right back to normal after all the character development, but I don't know. Scott was so much better and became one of my favorite characters, as he is more of a comic relief character.
Although, the fact Zoey won was kinda boring because she kept winning all the challenges anyway and is a total Mary Sue. It would've been so funny if Courtney and Scott got into the final two, but that's just my opinion. I give this season an 8/10, one of my favorites to rewatch!
Total Drama Pahkitew Island was my favorite season. A lot of people hate on this season because it's a new cast. The same old cast gets boring after a while, and it was good to see them bring in new characters that are all likeable in their own ways.
I think Tom McGillis knew what he was doing when he brought the new cast in. Jasmine, Shawn, Ella, and Max were all great along with many others. The characters had more distinct personalities, and the relationships had development along with the friendships. The challenges were fun, and there was a decent amount of action to keep it fun and interesting. This season was the best and had the best characters along with the island.