Top 10 South Park Season 21 Episodes

The Top Ten
Put It Down

This episode was hilarious, it really made fun of how people were scared of North Korea for barely any reasons. I thought the whole President Garrison tweet bits were hilarious too.

This is the best episode from the season!

Franchise Prequel
Hummels & Heroin
Sons A Witches

Warning! Very subjective content coming up, it should not be read by anyone.
The series reached new heights with this one. Best of the season, one of the best of the series.
Kyle's character has finally gone full circle with him hating Terrance and Philip and self-serving violence. Tweek knew Kyle should not trust Herbert, but he made a mistake, because he was at his worst, but even then he had good intentions.
PC Principal x Strong Woman is a favorite ship of mine!

Moss Piglets
Splatty Tomato
Holiday Special
Doubling Down
White People Renovating Houses
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