Top Ten Strangest Things People Have Found Under Their Bed

The Top Ten
1 Decomposing Body

That would be very scary! Luckily I have a bunk bed and sleep on the top one so I don't have to worry about that problem.

This is the reason why I check under my bed every night

Yep this is the one

2 Prostitute
3 Escape Tunnel
4 $1 Million

This would be awesome. I would buy a lot of stuff with this

That would be the best thing ever!

5 Poltergeist

Messes everything up with no fingerprints but found a women under there bed

6 Most Expensive Violin
7 Burglar
8 Sinkhole
9 Napoleon's Penis

I found it under my bed the other night. I thought I should donate it to science, but I did the tests myself.

10 Crocodile

He was once of the seven warlords of the sea.

Somebody also needs sleep and breakfast

The Contenders
11 Gun
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