Top 10 Easiest School Subjects
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This is one of the few classes where being the starting center for your basketball team will help you. You're always either a team captain or one of the first two picks. But yeah, I destroyed this class.
Just run around. It's one of the first things you've ever learned, therefore should come naturally.
Easy 100 for me, but some of the girls walk the whole time when we have to do running. We have to wait for them.

I am quite good at drawing. My class boys make fun of the cartoon characters by drawing a mustache, drawing a chain on a male character, and much more. The teachers feel it's like a short break period.
We also form groups and draw a character. Then one of us colors it, one draws a border, and other things like that. I love my art period more than other periods.
I'm really good at drawing. My dad always says I'm the best artist in the world because I add lighting, shading, darkness, and color to my drawings! That's why my drawings look better than anyone else's in my class. My classmates' drawings look like 1-year-olds drew that piece of trash!
One kid tried to copy mine and do a realistic one when we were making self-portraits. It looked CRAZY - the mouth was janky, the eyes looked weird, and the nose was too small! So don't try to challenge me!

I have perfect pitch, so obviously, this one is really easy for me. PE, on the other hand... well, I'm autistic, and Physical Education (aka Pointless Exercise) does not come easy to me. Other than that, all the other subjects are pretty easy, even though I have ADHD and don't focus well in school.
Music is just a wonderful thing and is a big part of my life (no kidding!). I've heard rumors that if you aren't exposed to music enough, you could lose this ability. I don't know if that's true or not, but I always listen to music in the car or when I'm bored just for the fun of it. I also play three instruments.
Music is sometimes how I help return memories. I think of the type of music I listened to in that time period, and suddenly, waves of nostalgia and recollections sweep over me.
So anyway, yeah, music's a phenomenal thing and a significant part of my everyday life.

It's easy. You just need to memorize the equation. You barely even need to practice - a couple of questions, and if you memorized the equations well enough, you're done. No more memorizing required. This is why I can easily get 100% in math without even revising.
To be honest, advanced math is VERY VERY HARD, but HIGH SCHOOL MATH is unbelievably easy. The math that my school is teaching now... oh my, I finished learning all that a decade ago. Now I'm in Grade 9, and my school still teaches basic trigonometry. No exaggeration, I literally finished that in primary school.

I don't know how math became easy (smart people?). English and math are complete opposites. Math is so complicated. But English? You don't even have to review to pass!
Unlike math, where even if you review very hard, you still fail in the end, making it useless. Also, most nice teachers teach English. So easy subject + good teacher = heaven. Math teachers are meh.
English is my best subject at school. I always get answers correct, and it also gave me a sense of power, too. One time, my bully got a question wrong, and I corrected him in a very smart way. He got so embarrassed that he left everyone alone for the rest of the school year.

Health is number one! Want to learn? Want to know more about the human body? Health is number one! All you need to do is make sure the information doesn't go in one ear and out the other.
Health is the combination of easy and boring.
All you need to do is listen.

Science should be number one, not "gym." It's actually PE anyway. Back to science, biology is probably the easiest for me because it's so easy to learn. Another reason is that there isn't much math involved.
Yes, science is great! Physics is the best! Anyways, why is gym so high on here? It's PE, and it tries to steal what's inside of you as a trait.
Anyone who hasn't studied physics/quantum physics should. It is so interesting! Also, astronomy, biology, and chemistry too.

Yes, in my class, kids study like hell for a spelling test! Man, it's so simple. See, not a single spelling mistake in this comment!
Just memorize letters, that's it.

In my opinion, I think history is the easiest subject. Well, I am from Korea, and Korea's history is very fun. Also, it is very long. If you guys have time, I hope you will try to search about Korean history.
There is really no skill or "practice" that helps you understand history better. History is all about memorization, so if you study, you're good to go. Shout outs to Mr. Fortunato, my history teacher at Memphis Rise! You're the best, you're also very attractive. #GoStanfordCardinals! Nov. 14. 2017. 8:10 thinking about you.
History is the easiest and the best. You just need to have good knowledge before you attempt history. Singapore history, in my opinion, is the easiest.

This comes pretty naturally if you already know a similar language such as Italian or French. The conjugations, especially in the past tense, can be quite difficult, but it's still not that hard for English speakers.
Spanish is easier than any class I have come across. It is very easy to pick up, and it's fun to help people who do not know the proper words to say.
Just really easy if you want to actually learn it. It's a class that you can study in so many ways. You can practice the class by listening to Spanish music for listening comprehension, talking to Spanish people, etc. It's not always paper and memorizing the verbs.
The Newcomers

I did drama, and it was so fun! All we did was play games. We didn't have any tests, and our teacher didn't even check our work - she just looked to see if it was done.
I had 100 percent in drama all year!
I think that drama is a way of being someone you're not. Drama is a life skill that can help you in future education and can help you express yourself. My drama teacher is really nice and is very supportive. Most people in my school will say drama is in their top three.

All you do is mess around, and that is basically what dance is.
Move your body. That's it.

Gosh, I love cooking! It's basically like science - throwing formulas in to make a new product. You get to explore creativity too.

I love singing with the choir at my church, and I sang alto. It is very difficult to sing all parts of the songs and pronounce the words in English correctly.
Chorus is fun, except for the parts when we have vocal tests, and I cannot hit the high notes at all! But singing is the best.

Listen to the teacher. Then you have everything you need to know.
It's far more easy compared to other subjects.
No math. Not as much reading as English.

At least in my region, there are a few application-based specialized schools for engineering, which includes tech. I take manufacturing and energy engineering. In manufacturing class, we 3D print models, weld metal, and print laser-engraved designs. In energy class, we research energy sources in depth, build wind turbines, and circuits.
I'm guessing it's called tech class because they embrace the latest technology. Overall, both classes are easy because I'm interested in STEM. Oh, also, I'm just wondering what other tech classes are like in other schools.

So easy, I don't need to study or anything. Easiest subject ever for me! I keep getting A1s on tests in this.
It's just like English. Most words are almost the same, right?
It is the best. I am studying it from fifth class.

By far the most fun out of all the subjects.

This is actually a subject that I'm good at (others are PE, RS, and English). Like, it's just common sense. But I am absolutely terrible at maths and science. I mean, I am actually good at maths (basic, multiplication, etc.) but when I got to secondary school, it became so difficult. The same applies to science too!
Memorizing the flags, locations, and capitals of every country in the world is actually really easy. I'm not even joking.
How is this so low?! It's basically naming countries and coloring flags.

It's all basic kindergarten math...

Many people don't even have to study for Pre-Algebra tests, and they still get 100%.
All we have to do is turn the letters into numbers and do math.