Top Ten Worst Survivor Tribes
These tribes were not good at challenges or camp life, leading to disaster.
They didn't even bother with having a merge. That's how awful this tribe was. They just let them get obliterated.
Ulong worked hard to try and get a win, but Koror was smarter in the end, which led to Ulong being decimated.
This tribe sucks. They lost every challenge. I think the reason for their fall is a lack of teamwork.
This team is filled with donkeys. Everything is Russell's fault. The team was on a losing streak until only Malcolm and Denise remained. I feel bad for the entire team, especially Angie. Angie was so inept that she chickened out in the middle of challenges. Zane went too slow during the first challenge. Half of them were thrown under the bus. There's no way we'll hear from the first few eliminated participants of the season again. I think they're forgotten, especially Angie. I'm sorry Denise had to sit through Tribal Council. Once Malcolm and Denise joined other teams, the real game began. Rather than Matsing, I'll call them the Donkey tribe.
Even though one of the members won the $1 million, they were bad before the merge. Russell, Amanda, and Ben were the worst, to be honest. It's a good thing Ben and Amanda were voted out first.
Thanks to Russell, Foa Foa went downhill after he sabotaged the camp items, leading to mistrust and dysfunction among the group.
If Russell doesn't burn himself out, the Foa Foas implode no matter what Russell and Natalie try to do.
Fang was doomed from the start when the captains chose the wrong people. They were incredibly dysfunctional to the very end, no matter what version of the tribe existed, winning only 4 out of the 13 pre-merge challenges. Poor choices, poor teamwork, and just poor in general.
Luzon was so dysfunctional in the most enjoyable way. It's baffling how the "smartest" tribe of the three ended up being the dumbest.
For being the smart tribe, this tribe lacked any smarts. J'Tia pulled that tribe down. I did not like anyone in this tribe.
Spencer was a condescending, arrogant douche. This tribe had all the dysfunction.
Who thought it was a good idea to make a Haves vs. Have-Nots twist on Survivor? Ravu, the have-not tribe, lost every challenge but one. I'm glad to say they are never doing that twist again.
If we were talking about immunity wins, Ulong is worse, but since we're talking about Reward/Immunity, Ravu is the worst, with Ulong in second place.
With Moto winning the huge advantage, Ravu was always going to be in trouble. The tribemates in Ravu were also somewhat dysfunctional.
The original train-wreck tribe. Despite Maraamu having good relations with each other, they struggled to win anything due to poor teamwork. It didn't help when the tribe decided to take out their strong members first. They only avoided Tribal Council once.
They were pretty much vulnerable every single time. Losing back-to-back challenges is not a way to show how you played the game. At some point, they were down to 3 members, which makes me think this is one of the worst tribes ever.
This tribe would have been Ulonged years before the Ulong tribe came along, had it not been for a switch.
They were so stupid for voting out Russell. With him, they could've done better!
They were losers, except for Russell's three, who were their best players.
The Newcomers
This tribe had nothing going for them, and it fell apart fast!
Survivor screwed this tribe over harder than any other tribe. I mean -- Tina and Jerri on the same tribe? They hate each other. Rudy, the quiet one from Borneo, with Jenna, who wouldn't shut up unless she was deprived of oxygen, also from Borneo? Come on! And poor nice guys Rupert and Ethan were caught in the middle.
They had about as much chance of winning as Jonny Fairplay's "dead" grandmother.
This tribe wasn't even put together that well.
It wasn't fair because they didn't play the game yet.
They got rid of their best players and screwed themselves over in the merge by giving the villains an idol. Not the worst physically, but number one in stupidity.
Imagine the SuperFriends going up against the Legion of Doom. Only the SuperFriends are all three years old. That's a good approximation of this result.
They got rid of Cirie! Worst mistake ever!
Lost 3 out of 4 pre-switch immunity challenges!
They lost 5 out of 7 immunity challenges before the merge. They sucked.
So bad they could only win when Drake threw their challenge. Osten was lazy, though not as lazy as Sean from Marquesas.
I don't know how Zhan Hu was supposed to compete against Fei Long when their opponents had James and other strong players. Zhan Hu's dysfunction hurt them in challenges so much that when they got to pick people for a tribe swap, they saw it as something good instead of something bad.
Had a lot of idiots and three sane people: Jessica, David, and Ken.
It was very frustrating to watch them lose challenges over and over again. Not fun to watch at all.
Even the post-switch Mana tribe was bad at challenges. Face it, they would've lost before the next switch if they hadn't blindsided Malcolm at the double tribal.
They continuously lost challenges and had tons of drama in their camp. Plus, they voted off many of their strongest players first.
This team was an absolute wreck. Hunapu completely owned them before the merge. They couldn't even win a single immunity challenge.
Voted out their strongest player. Won only one challenge, and that one was thrown by the other team.