Top 10 Dumbest Survivor Moves

The Top Ten
Erik gives up Immunity - Survivor Micronesia

Definitely the dumbest move I've ever seen if you're trying to win. Was he hoping to get a date out of it or something? Actually, when you consider that he was the only guy left with four girls heavily manipulating the direction of the game, it might have been a smart move - just to keep what little bit of sanity he had left.

Why would he do that?! He could have made it to the final four! If he had won the final four challenge, he would have won! But no, he was so gullible and gave up his immunity.

Woo chooses to take Tony to the end instead of Kass - Survivor Cagayan

One of the dumbest moves out there. Definitely not as dumb as Varner in The Outback or Tyson in Season 20, but dumber than the rest of the moves out there.

I mean, it was Chaos Kass! How stupid do you have to be to bring Tony, the guy who everyone didn't hate?

Woo could have won 1 million dollars. Instead, he made one of the greatest winners' road to victory even easier.

James gets voted out with 2 idols - Survivor China

Oop, play an idol just to be safe! If you don't feel like you need it, play it anyway because plans change in this game.

He thought a majority would be united.

If you get voted out with 2 hidden immunity idols, even if you are confident, keep one and play one.

J.T. writes a letter to Russell and gives him his Immunity Idol - Survivor Heroes vs Villains

I like sending letters to my friends, but they're not villains or in competition with me over $1 million.

Colby takes Tina to the end instead of Keith - Survivor Australian Outback

He was actually happy that Tina won.

Tyson switches his vote and accidentally votes himself out - Survivor Heroes vs Villains

Among the five very obvious overrated dumb moves, this was the dumbest of them all. You really need to understand the circumstances leading up to this. While JT's and Erik's moves were bad and made little sense, NOTHING about Tyson's move made sense at all.

First of all, that would get yourself voted out, and it also gets your alliance voted out. He got lucky that Rob Mariano is still friends with him.

That was a very bad move, and not only did he cost himself the show, but he also cost Boston Rob his game too.

Jason thinks a stick with a face is an idol - Survivor Micronesia

And then he goes out with a REAL idol.

Ian jumps off the pole and gives Tom a million dollars - Survivor: Palau

Ian jumped off the pole so Katie could make the final two???

Garrett has an open forum to decide who to vote out - Survivor Cagayan
Brandon gives up Immunity - Survivor South Pacific

This was a bad move but not as bad as Erik's. At least Brandon gave it to someone who voted with him. What makes these moves hard to justify is that both players were manipulated by legends. The difference is that Brandon was played by Coach, who had been truthful up to that point since they were in an alliance. Erik, on the other hand, was convinced by Cirie, who wasn't even aligned with him, to give up his immunity necklace. If Erik were a smart fan, he would have known that he, Cirie, and Natalie would have formed a majority, so there was no need to give up the immunity necklace.

The Newcomers

? Brandon Hantz angrily dumped out his tribe’s beans and rice while unleashing a profanity-laced tirade directed at his tribe. - Survivor: Caramoan

Yeah, that's a perfect way to win "Survivor."

If you're playing the three-year-old's version, that is.

? Ozzy doesn’t play his idol - Survivor Micronesia
The Contenders
Varner "outs" Zeke as trans - Survivor Game Changers

When it comes to overrated dumb moves, aside from the obvious top five, this would be number one because everyone on social media and elsewhere couldn't stop talking about it for a long time. I'm glad that Varner has repaired the situation, and he definitely regrets it. He was trying to save himself, but ironically, he didn't realize he was actually going to stay in the game if he hadn't made that move. Five of the other players, including Zeke, were planning to vote out Ozzy.

Lex saves Amber for Rob in exchange for protection, gets voted out - Survivor All Stars

Don't listen to Rob if he's trying to get you to vote his way! He is really tricky. Lex should've voted off Amber. As much as I love the Marianos, that was a terrible move.

Manono Tribe gives up immunity - Survivor One World

This was the stupidest game move because everyone on that tribe knew that one of them would be going home, and they all gave up safety.

Colton had an awful strategy. Couldn't he have not found the immunity idol so we could avoid his headache?

Taylor steals food, blames Adam, gets voted off - Millennials vs. Gen X
Drew throws a challenge and gets himself voted out - Survivor San Juan del Sur

Again, you want numbers. If you need to throw the challenge to lose, you can just pick them off after the merge.

Drew: I will throw this immunity challenge. I'm too good of a player.


Jeff: Drew, the tribe has spoken. (snuffs his torch)

Definitely a way to go up on the Survivor Wall of Shame.

Sean's Alphabet Strategy - Survivor Borneo
Chris goes home with idol in pocket. - Survivor Ghost Island

Your biggest rival, Domenick, just played a Legacy Advantage, and you still don't play your idol as an insurance policy? Unbelievable.

Did you REALLY think THAT many people would go along with a split vote? (Actually, they would. In the next episode, everyone but Michael splits the vote between Michael and Libby.)

NaOnka and Kelly quit - Survivor Nicaragua

NaOnka wouldn't have lasted much longer because of how much of a jerk she was. But Purple Kelly had no good reason to quit. Nicaragua is "the season of the quitters," as Holly almost quit too.

You can tell Jeff wasn't happy. Not one bit.

Zapatera throws a challenge to vote Russell off - Redemption Island

That is just pure stupidity, especially since it was so early in the game. If it were right before the merge, I could understand, but this was just the beginning, and they were only two people ahead.

You needed to keep Russell until the merge. Until merge time, keep him. Rob would have voted Russell out, so that means you had the numbers.

Doesn't seem dumb at first, but they lose like crazy after that.

David Day 1 picks Garrett as the weakest person on the tribe - Survivor Cagayan
Cochran flips on Savaii - Survivor: South Pacific

Flippers automatically get pegged as unreliable and untrustworthy. Why would you ever, EVER do it? This is another reason to believe Cochran isn't NEARLY as good of a player as Probst or Cochran himself would have you believe.

In South Pacific, yes. In Caramoan, no.

Production casts Sierra Dawn Thomas on over Natalie Anderson - Survivor Game Changers

I still think Sierra is a game changer. Maybe not as much as Natalie, but definitely a game changer.

Ken votes off David - Survivor Millennials vs. Gen X

I WAS SO MAD! If I were a jury member, that move would prevent me from voting for him!

Laura B. tells Vytas that he is going to be voted out and gets voted out instead - Survivor Blood vs Water

Bad luck, really. That was a bad decision, girly.

Lex saves Amber and votes off Jerri - Survivor All Stars
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