Most Overhated Things on TheTopTens

It's 2024, I never heard any updates of him or at least I don't see any Justin Biebers on my feed. Are plenty of the users here still stuck on year 2009?
To number 1. Guess what if social media existed, more people had computers and the internet wasn't dial up in the 90s. Aaron Carter would've got hate as much as Justin Bieber does now. 4Music called Aaron Carter the original Justin.
Justin is not a bully, arrogant or rude you just enjoy hating him like you would enjoy hating Aaron if things like thetoptens existed in the 90s.

Frozen is overrated (At least by kids standard), but its hype and overpraise has since fallen and I haven't heard much since. Looking back, this is not a bad movie at all and there are things in it that I legitimately like (the animation, concept, musical score etc.), although I will be honest, the characters and story could have been better.
And yes, this movie is overhated as well. It's the Call of Duty argument all over. This movie was praised to the point where people wouldn't shut up, prompting others to excessively hate on it and what do you know, no one would shut up about Frozen, whether you like it or hate it.
Overall, Frozen is a movie worth showing to a child and there are merits that you can appreciate as a teen/adult, although I personally believe the film could have been better. But it doesn't deserve an overwhelming amount of hate as well.

It has over a thousand or million thumbs down on Youtube. Get a grip its his second song when he was 15. Would you have done the same to Liam Payne if he got to the live shows of The X Factor in 2008 when he was 15 and was in the finals and either won, 2nd or 3rd.
I rather listen to this song instead of anything by Soulja boy, blood on the dance floor, Nikki, silento, brokenCyde, new boyz, & Radiohead. But everyone here acts like this is the worst song in the universe, when it's just mediocre. It's on every worst list on here if it makes any sense for it to b there (aka when your not expecting it to b there). Yes he's an @$$hole that no1 should listen to so he won't make money, but this song isn't the worst song ever people...

I find it pretty stupid that he has to be number 1 on the worst United States presidents list when other presidents such as James Buchanan or Andrew Johnson should be on top of that list instead of him.
Does he really have to be last place on the list of Best Presidents of the United States? Now THAT'S overhated, if you ask me.
James Buchanan is universally worse than any president, regardless if you hate Obama or Bush.

This is one of my favorite shows and I am a teen! Yes, the fandom may be not the best, but it is still a fantastic show. Haters need to stop hating on this show. It's 1,000 times better than Investigation Discovery, Endgame, and Infinity War! There, I said it.
People hate it because its for 'children' and I'm a teenager so I don't like it much myself, but my 8 year old sister watches it and, let me tell you, it has really good lessons and teaches young children a lot.
To be honest, bronies themselves are worse. Regular fans are fine, but bronies are just obnoxious.

The show wasn't made for Middle Schoolers with nothing to do with their lives. It was made for little children, and doesn't deserve the hate it gets. The show is for little kids, of course you'd find it to be boring. I watched it as a kid, and I liked it. It's a fine show. Baby shows should NOT get all this hate by whiny 12 year olds. It was made for kids, not for whiny 12 year olds.
THANK YOU! Not saying I'm a huge fan of this show, BUT DANG does it get a lot of undeserved hate. Guys, this wasn't meant to be like all the "complex and gritty" shows you prefer watching; it's a simple show made with preschoolers in mind. You can dislike it all you want, but PLEASE stop going overboard.
People often use the term 'Pop' for everything in music they dislike and 'Rock' for everything they like. Or they really just hate everything about Pop because they only know the charts. But thing is, Pop music has been around for the past 70 years, considering all of that crap is completely retarded. 50 years ago, Pop music was as good as music as a whole gets. The Beach Boys, The Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel (yes, they are considered Folk, but they got a Pop kind of sound), those were the absolute master class of music.

All they do is complain that she is whiny, weak, and annoying and that Daisy should replace her. They are everywhere on this site and complain about Peach in every Mario related list. They say every Mario game is bad just because she is in it with her "annoying voice". Princess Daisy is not going to replace Peach and if she did than Daisy would be the Damsel in Distress that is "weak and can't defend herself".
How is she a "terrible character"? Because she's not extremely snarky and rude? Because she doesn't carry guns? Because she doesn't run around in a bad Aeon Flux costume that doubles as a weapon and when it attacks leaves her privates visible to the world? Because she wears pink?

You guys hate him because Joe Biden lied about him and brainwashed everyone. He labelled Donald Trump as "racist" and that's why everyone thinks he is. And because Donald Trump is trying to explain to these people on the internet that they're literally believing a pathalogical liar and explaining what he did, he got shut off on the internet. You guys, this is all the truth. This is all the truth. You have to believe me. Joe Biden is a liar.
I'll give the dude a chance. Who knows, maybe he does know what he's doing, but if he does indeed mess up, he and former Trump supporters are going to be the joke of the decade.
Okay what the hell is wrong with me? I literally just reworded what ModernSpongeBobSucks wrote.

Time is a life cycle everyone. I used to hate the 2010s and now the 2020s are making it like a masterpiece decade because of covid, russo-ukraine war, hamas attacks, ww3 starting, and music with worse vocals, vegan propaganda, and disgusting gen alpha slangs in it.
Me on the last day of 2019: Gosh, the 2010s was awful. Muslc went downhill, things went to hell and too many disgusting things! Bring back the 2000s! And whoever is voting 2010s on best decades for music has hearing problems!
2023 edit: I regret with all my might what I said to the 2010s. I have to worry about WW3 now…. excuse me as I crucify myself for despising the 2010s last year.
2024 edit: I'm starting to miss the 2010s now. I realize it was the last golden decade before things went to hell. Life was still normal back then. I realized I was happier back then compared to now. Way better than the 2020s in my opinion. I know the trends and all that stuff weren't that great but all we know is that this decade was better than the crappy 2020s. At least there was no major viruses and you didn't had to worry about WW3 starting because of the russian invasion of ukraine. Just remember, time is a life cycle! I think I might start feeling nostalgic for the 2020s by 2034. I feel nostalgic for the 2010s rn in 2024.
The Newcomers

He is one of the seven Koopalings but for some reason he gets more hate than the others probably because he is the "leader". Why do most of these haters hate him? Because he just sucks and is garbage. No evidence to why he is a bad character and they get many likes.

She makes really good music and people hate her because of driver's license (her first song). I can see that people are not a fan of her music, but no need to hate.

Is it bad? Yes. Does it deserve this much hate? Absolutely not. Aside from the downsides of this anime, it still had a few plus points that many people seem to forget
Don't call me stupid, but when I first heard about the name of this, I thought it was drawing swords on an online drawing site.
Really? I see more people liking this series and having hissy fits on criticism here than people bashing it a lot.

Rosalina gets WAY too much hate on here. She's 11 on Worst Mario characters, 1 on Worst Nintendo Characters, 11 on my two Worst Mario Kart Character Lists, 8 on Worst Video Game Characters, 6 or 5 on most overrated video game characters...yeah, do not tell me she isn't hated on here.
"BUT SHE IS OVERRATED! " No...then why is she the most hated Nintendo character on this website? And that's the only reason you hate her. You people are jealous of success.
Daisy fanbrats are everywhere on this site. They shoehorn all their hatred for Rosalina down our throats and only hate her because she is appearing in many Mario games and are jealous that she is getting more attention than Daisy.
New doesn't necessarily mean bad. I myself don't really follow a lot of trends, but once in a while, I may get hyped for an upcoming video game, album or movie.
I hate the "popular = bad" mentality SO much.

Please don't say this is also a China hate site, this site is already a Justin Bieber hate site, there is too many offensive comments about China. Go to the "Most hated Countries" and you'll see a comment like "Chinese people are rude and greedy, everybody hates china" but why do people even hate them? Not to mention that fake products shouldn't be the reason to hate china.
China's likely only hated on this site because the Chinese government isn't the best government in the world. It doesn't mean that anyone at least 0.000000001% Chinese is immediately Satan himself and the very source of all evil in this world. WAYYYY too many people throw their hate for another country's government towards the people from there. If you want to punch a country's government for something, use that government as a punching bag. Not the people that are simply from the country with the government you hate.

I love how specific this is and yet it actually ends up being vague

They made good songs that people over judged and were compassionate.

Nickelback is one of the first bands I ever heard in my life! They are better than Twenty One Pilots, to be honest!
This is overhated everywhere and I feel like I'm the only one on TheTopTens that likes them

Anyone who accuses Superman of being "Overpowered" for being able to go toe-to-toe with demigods but accepts Batman defeating Darkseid without suffering a flesh wound just because he has "prep time" is a hypocrite.

As someone who was once part of the Adventure Time hate bandwagon, you have to admit it's true. Adventure Time gets quite too much hate on TheTopTens.
People on this website claimed that this is a rip-off of Super Mario and The Legend of Zelda, but it really isn't.
"Adventure Time is awesome. Why do so many people hate it? - AlphaQ"
I'm guessing the art style. Yea, people are whinny & judgemental about that...

I have written a couple comments here about how all these hate comments with a bunch of likes prove that they are way too overhated and they get DELETED! Are Koopaling haters really that sensitive? Why can't I express my opinion? I love the Koopalings and they are overhated like crazy on TTT.
Why does 80% of the site hate them. They say the fans bully Bowser Jr fans yet Bowser Jr fans bully them even more
I still hate this dumbass trash!