Top 10 Things TheTopTens Should Have

The Top Ten
A Chatroom

The main problems: Flame wars and inappropriate messages that will make the job of the admin harder. Maybe consider these problems first since we only have 1 or few admins moderating the site. Update: the state of the community is probably more chill now, so I guess this is necessary.

That would be kind of cool. I could talk to lots of users at once. But then again, it would sort of turn TheTopTens into a social media site. I guess everything has its ups and downs.

Yeah that would be great, I already chat with Cereal Guy on the private messages on the site. It would be pretty cool so we can get to know the other users on the site

Comment Without Voting

Exactly! A lot of the times I want to comment on something but then I realize that I vote for something that I don't want to vote for.

One time, I saw something that was number one on its list, which I thought was ridiculous, so I tried to comment for that thing and I realized I voted for something I didn't want to be number one.

If this actually existed, many comments would probably be flagged for being 'unsupportive', so I think the best idea would be to separate the comment section of an item into two parts- one part for commenters who voted for the item and another for commenters who didn't vote for it.

Ability to Change Username

We could have it with conditions like what others had mentioned. There should at least be a limit, or something like in Qfeast, if you guys know what that site is. I can't really explain it. There should also be a place somewhere in our profiles where our previous username is written, just to let others know and not make them confused.
I've been thinking of other usernames now, like TheBlackQueen or WhiteQueen (Both Queen references, "The March of the Black Queen" and "White Queen"), but my username's alright, I guess.

A TheTopTens App

Then I can take TheTopTens everywhere, so I can write comments about songs while I am listening to them on the radio, and talk about radio experiences as they are happening to me. Yes please!

Now this would be fantastic. Especially if it covered everything else on this list, like notifications, chat rooms... Its was so difficult to pick! But id love and app, so much!

I am using a phone and I always go through lag when uploading an image or a new list. Ot will resolve all problems for phone users

A Notification System

We actually already have this, but there are some improvements I would like to see. When you get a notification about a comment on a list or a reply to your comment, it should show who commented or replied. Also there should be notifications for when someone comments on an item you added to a list.

There is already one, but it could be elaborated. Like having a notification for when someone unfollowed you, when you got a like on a reply comment, achieving a HQ or featured list etc. Why has there never been a notification for a user unfollowing you in the first place?

A Vote Down Button

What I mean by this is a button next to the vote button that can give the item a vote down, making it drop it's ranks. This can be a way to show a dislike in an item instead of rude comments.

Best idea. On a completely unrelated note, I just accidentally pasted a really bad song I wrote onto this comment.

I am not going to like every comment I see. The admin wants us to be like SpongeBob and love everything even stupid Mr. Krabs.

A Point System

A point system for what?
Whenever someone creates a garbage or an attention-seeking list, they should either be disapproved immediately, or 10 points must be deducted from the creator's overall score.

A point system for what? Lists? Users? We already have member scores and lists get scores based on number of votes and remixes

#1 could have 10 points, #2 could have 9 points, etc. and whenever someone votes on that item, it could get a point.

Ability to Delete Your Own Lists

I want to delete my list "Top 10 Reasons Why Steven Universe Is the Worst Show On CN" because I have better list. I also regret making it. I don't even know how the list made it pass the offensive check.
I just want that list deleted. I've changed opinions on the show.

You guys may think some my lists are classic to the site like Characters That Hate Dora the Most but there's one that sucks so much it almost made me almost made me leave but the website is too good

I want to delete my stupid list"Top Ten Reasons Why 2016 Was A Terrible Year For Music" because of the many negative comments and disagreements. Also, I did not like the options of that list.

Ability to Design Our Own Pages

This is actually a really good idea. I'd have so much fun with this. Please, the forces that be, make this possible.

This is a great idea! And it's a good way to show off our creativity and what we like.

I would love to have a background picture for my profile or something like that.

Ability to Mention Users

This may get annoying if done repetitively, but there would be a limit on how many time someone could mention another user in a day. It would make the most sense that only people with accounts can mention.

The Newcomers

? Remix Drafts

If you're working on a remix and don't want to publish it just yet, it would be useful for it to be saved as a draft.

? Ability to Delete a List Even After People Have Voted and Commented on It

I guess this is kind of frustrating especially if you make many lists.

The Contenders
Instant List-Approving System

Low-quality lists are already abundant on this site. They have successfully scared off most people from ever joining this site and have caused them to think that this site is an "autism hellhole". Plus, why do lists related to movies and television always have to be dominated by animated movies and shows? It makes people think that this site is filled with nothing but children.

I sick of my lists taking forever to get approved, and last night I made 4 lists and 2 of then still haven't been approved yet, and I have been waiting all day for them to get approved, it is now 5pm, and they still not approved, I wish they got approved at the same time my 2 other lists got approved, then I don't have to wait forever, it is really driving me nuts that they aren't approved yet! Edit it finally got approved after 8pm

The Ability to Nominate a User (or Multiple Users) as Admin Democratically
A Help Button at the Top
Uploading Pictures in Messages

That would be really awesome. You actually can do that. You just have to copy and paste and yada yada yada.

Yea just turn the messaging system into texting on an iPhone, that would be awesome

There are no good pictures only, they could just import it from Google hehe

The Ability to Report Users That Break the Rules

This had been taken advantage of. There's one user who reported multiple users for "bullying" him while he's the one who's making pornographic blog post series.

Does already exist, but admin doesn't do anything about it.

There are many trolls on this website.

Levels Do Something

Like what? I think the level points system should be removed because it serves almost no purpose, besides keeping an eye on your stats..

Anything. Even if your profile page just sprinkled confetti for a while, that would be a step up from nothing!

Yeah, it doesn't do anything at all! :///

Comment Addition Dates

Yes please! People are still replying to embarrassing comments I posted when I was 15, and I've probably replied to a bunch of 10 year old comments without even realizing myself. I might just start putting the dates on all of my comments until they add this. (12/22/2021)

That would be really good so people stop bringing up my trash comments from my least favorite month! I could also see the actual day I joined because November 11th is just the day I made my first post comment, which I deleted!

This would be very useful because there are comments where we will never know when it was posted unless they say when it is. From now on, I am putting the date at the end of every one of my comments, like so: - 4/17/2018

Profile Creation Dates

I joined on the day of my birthday, and the day Youtube went down (October 16,2018), so that's easy for me to remember! But, I do see the point here

An Option to Change the Title of Your Lists On Your Own

I called my list Best Things About 2018 Music. I should have worded that better.

But, admin should still decide whether to approve the changes or not.

Option In the Account Settings That Changes the Number of Shown Items on Lists
Username Search

You would have to get an account in order to conveniently search up users. If you're a visitor, you would just have to find a list created by them in order to search them up. It would really be nice if visitors could be able to search for users with something like a user search bar as well.

Well, it's a long time since this came around, but apparently, now you can search for users just by typing in "U: (insert username)" into the search bar.

There kind of is. I just look them up and hope I find a list deciated to them, so I can click on their profile.

Better Searching

I can agree with this one on the grounds of some of my own lists. I made a few lists and tried searching for them and couldn't find them via search feature, which I use to find certain lists. I had to always go to my own profile to see those particular lists. With the auto-complete AND the search function not working the way I expected, I could never view them unless I went to my profile, and that's sad.

The admins definitely need to update the search results. Some lists don't even show up when I try to search them.

Unlimited dishonorable mentions in remixes

In theory the website would be down because of this. This is because that someone can put over a million items in the DHMS (or a billion)

Then someone could put everything as a dishonorable mention except their 10 favorite things.

Seriously, there are lists where I want to vote down at least five items, but I can't because of the limit of DMs into 3.

Report or Send A Ban Request

One time on the list of greatest religious figures of all time Satan was on that list. And I wanted to report that to the top Tens to get Satan off that list or ban him or censor him or do something!

Well, we do have this, but it is only for factual errors, not for inappropriate or racist things.

People would abuse this feature.

You Can Take Back Your Vote

I hope we could do this! I accidentally voted for certain items on many lists!

You could go back to the list and vote for the other item the next day, though.

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