Top Ten Things That Get Left Behind by the Tide

Allot of things are left behind by the tide. Be creative if you want. Maybe even a bit creepy...
The Top Ten
1 Seaweed
2 Foam
3 Dead Fish
4 Human Limbs
5 Sea Shells

I have a large collection from when I was a child.

6 Rubbish
7 Drift Wood

"I have no idea why but for some reason I like drift wood." - birdechosplash

Uh oh, it seems like Petty Piper can't find a boyfriend, so she has to resort to having sex with a piece of driftwood.

8 Clothes

I heard of sex on the beach but this is too far.

9 Treasure
10 Bones
The Contenders
11 Caravans
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