Top Ten Things You Wished Didn't Exist

The Top Ten
1 War

This is one of the things that make me ashamed in mankind. After all, what is the reasoning behind it? I understand it is over power and land most of the time, but I hate that the greed of mankind is preventing you from living without constantly wanting to ursurp everything you don't have.

Why do humans always kill each other? We have gone too far. If we can invent the iPhone, how can we not stop war. Maybe humans are naturally horrible.

You figure we would be civilized by now. War is my top hated thing on this list. It is downright awful.

Oh, cry me a river. War is a necessary evil. Freedom isn't free, it's bought with a price.

2 Animal Cruelty

Animals are living things just like us and we use it as meat? Come on, there are other foods, meat doesn't taste that good. You could do this if this is the only thing left, but their is other food too that taste much better.

I hate how Walmart used to abuse their fish, especially their bettas. Half of them dead or were dying.I'm glad that a large percentage of Walmarts don't sell fish anymore. But it's not just Walmart who doesn't take care of their fish...

This is just so sad I never really wanna think about it but I can't get how people treat animals out of my mind! This is how I got my pet dog. My cousin's neighbor in SC had a bunch of puppies from one mama dog but he was the only one living. He was so scared when we got him and they kicked him out of the house! He even got a broken tail from that..
I hope this ends soon.. :(

My friend lives in a place where her nextdoor neighbors would abuse their dogs. She has rescued three so far and they are all the sweetest dogs you can imagine

3 Horrible People

This pretty much encompasses all of the other relevant issues on the list.
Without HORRIBLE PEOPLE, there would be no war, no child abuse, and no animal cruelty.

Schadenfreude = deriving pleasure from someone else's misery.

Why do some people love to see other people suffer? It doesn't make sense and just causes bad feeling. Who needs it?

Especially bullies. These guys are ruined my life in the school days.

Horrible people lead to more horrible people and horrible things.

4 Bullying

People bully because they want to make themselves look cool, make the person feel bad. Well I have a message for every person on this earth. "Don't care what others think of me."

Bullying and rude people. Do you really think anyone likes people who bully them or are rude? Ugh.. Really hateful

This causes kids all over the world to commit suicide.

Should be extincted from the face of the earth.

5 Racism

There’s a song called Jesus loves all the children. I will sing the first few lyrics: JESUS loves all the children all the children of the world red and yellow black and white they’re all precious in His sight, Jesus loves all the children of the world. One of the lines the red and yellow black and white it teaches children that God loves every race no matter what

I really don't get how this is still a thing in this world. It's not right! When will people learn that somebody's skin tone shouldn't effect the way you act around them?

All the humans like Jews, black and white are the same
Without racism the world will be full of tolerance and kindness

Oh how nice the world would be without this stupid and offensive way of talking

6 Justin Bieber

Oh, come on! This guy is in literally every worst list I can spot! We get it, he's dumb. Just stop. There are far worse things.

I'm sick of all this. Animal cruelty is one of the issues on here, and all you care about is a pop singer?

I know lots of people hate him (I'm not the biggest fan of him, I don't like him), but why is he the worst thing?

Worst excuse for a famous people since, since the Miley Cyrus

7 Porn

There was this guy on a Minecraft server called Mineplex, he's nota YouTuber. His name is DirpyCakes. He kept building this a million times on Master Builders, even though I kept begging him to stop, but other people thought this was funny. I don't find it amusing in any way. There were also other idiots in the game named Austvn, and StealACookie. I hate these guys so much, but they weren't as bad as Dirpy. If you find me on Mineplex, my Minecraft name is Poerfulgirl10. If I ever see these three idiots, then sweet vengance will come.

You want to know one thing, DO NOT LOOK IT UP! I TOTALLY REGRET THIS.

Maybe if porn didn't exist we would have more sexual crimes like raping for instance. I say that because it's a common fact that in countries where porn is banned, girls are more victims of abuse. I don't like the porn industry however but this is my opinion about porn in general and therefore subjective.

I mean, I don't mind people that look at this as long as isn't an obsession or they look at porn of immoral things.

Actually, I lied to you about the name. That was just my cousin's daughter's name.

8 School

I don't really like school like most kids&teens. But COME ON! What do you rather do, Go to school even though you would meet those annoying bullies or maybe your least liked teacher who always blame you for nothing or live in the streets with NO MONEY or food for the rest of your live?! I mean, you may have rich parents or be popular for now. You even go to a private major school(kind of like me, But this isn't about me, It's about you! ), But that is just for now. And Imagine if you don't care about school and only care about your popularity, your friends, all those cool expensive stuff your parents can afford for you, I mean what If your parents lost their job and lost your home, Your parents can't afford your school tuition or your favourite stuff any more. But let's cut to the chase. Once you got out of college, your parents will stop paying for everything and you have to pay for all your own needs. And without school, you can't get at least a decent job. And this is why school is ...more

I think school is important for a couple years. But then it just gets dumb and they make you learn useless things. Algebra? How can we use that in real life? It should stop when you are 13. I already have a lot of knowledge and a lot of it I didn't even learn from school.

Oh god why school is so low on this list why it on a vert low spot I'm very mad that school is top 10 instead of top 1

You need school for education. Do you want to be idiots for the rest of your lives?! This shouldn't be here.

9 Cancer

Cancer is devastating, without a doubt. A majority of cancers are very treatable. When they are not successfully in remission, they are given pain medicine and their dignity is left in tact.
WORSE, are the hundreds of genetic syndromes that cause a person to suffer from birth to death. And there is no treatment or cure.

This should be number 1, people keep dying from this. I hate cancer with burning passion cause it kills innocent people and gets in the way of your life.

I've known kids, young adults, and hamsters that have died from this terrible, terrible disease, and now my beloved uncle has it. Make it stop!

How the heck is Justin Bieber above cancer? A deadly disease like cancer is much, much worse than a harmless singer.

10 9/11

Why do people even make jokes about it?

The Contenders
11 Scented trashbags

They all smell the same; worse than the actual trash, and the scent is overpowering.

12 Sickness

Sickness is a natural neccesity. If for example you take a poison by mistake and you wouldn't feel sick it will kill you ( just because you didn't feel sickness symptoms ). Sickness are symptoms to indicate that something is wrong. And when you feel sick and therefor know that something is wrong you will be able to cure at time your sickness. Not all " sickness " can be cured ( yet! ) but who knows, maybe we will be able to cure cancer, aids... and so on in the future.

"Get up! We're getting down with the sickness! "-Disturbed

Almost all of these are bad.

Awesome album

13 1 ply toiletpaper
14 Abuse
15 Sexism
16 Horrible Smells

Why do farts smell bad? Always at the worst times too...

17 Negativity
18 Hatred

Nothing to hate but hate itself.

19 Spiders
20 Mewberty

Now just wait a burger flipping second... This is off of Star vs the Forces of Evil!

21 Tarantulas
22 Murder

By DEFINITION, there IS no "valid" reason for murder. Murder is unjustifiable homocide.

23 Communism
24 Comic sans font

Something about this font ticks me off.

What is so bad about comic sans

25 Alzheimer’s Disease

I feel very bad about that, HaiThere. If my grandmother left due to this disease, I don't know what I'd do. Again, Sloth21 here my account is still randomly going off at times

It took my grandmother last year. I miss her.

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